“How else am I supposed to shoot my webbing??”
A New York-lore accurate Spiderman
God damnit. I need follow up. At the very least, we need to hear J Jonah Jamesons remarks!
Fuck it. Just make the next comic a one panel full page daily bugal front page newspaper.
I’d LOVE to read his comments on this manace to society.
His arch nemesis ‘hot oil in frying pan’
His next fight with Doctor Octopus may be very awkward
Not if Doc Oc doesn’t wear pants!
His Spider verse appearance is going to take the movie to rated MA
So that scene where he pulls off half his mask to kiss Mary Jane could be different in this universe.
Probably helps with his Peter tingle.
Why they calling him ‘spidey’ instead of ‘nakey’?
Eight dicks.
So that’s how he shoots his webs!
Spider-Man is “Donald Ducking”