I’ll go
- I’m not alone.
- Trump:
Declares martial law
Has defied court orders
Has committed violence against government officials
Dissolved all other branches of government
There is probably more but these are ones that come to mind.
Deleted my responses. I asked for honest opinions. I’m not here to call balls and strikes.
It will take the protests being armed.
Because if the protests aren’t armed, they’re not going to accomplish anything. There will be no change if the wealthy class isn’t made to live in fear of the public.
Strike power is real power
True, but in America, you’re far more likely to get an armed protest than a general strike.
Sign a strike card generalstrikeus.com
Calm yourself Mario, Luigi tried & failed
He literally shot the guy three times in the head lol
Maybe he means failed to enact meaningful change? I don’t much had changed internally for insurance companies other than getting a legal basis to stamp out any vocal dissent as a “threat”.
Don’t count him out yet. Change is slow. I know we’re used to hearing about revolutions in the aftermath, with the whole complete story. We’re living one now, and it’ll go slowly at first.
Change will come much quicker when protest groups ditch peaceful protest and show up armed, en masse, with AR-15’s.
For this he is scum.
The guy that killed the blood sucking parasite who got richer denying critical care to insured patients after they’d paid his company tens of thousands of dollars?
Sounds like a hero to me.
No he’s trash.
Implying he’s in the hole and will never see the light of day again when his trial hasn’t even started