I cant tell you how much I support and love you. You have my complete admiration, I’m not joking. Anything you need and I’m there.
This is kinda the message I’ve been tip toeing around but it’s hard. I see this woman, she doesn’t look like the people I know who are struggling. She may just put up a good front but you put a struggling single mom working 3 jobs to make the bills in her place and she would break down crying having to say these things.
So we need to add to the message. Something that sinks in deep… Most Americans are already MAGA. They turn their head and plug their nose but in their heart of hearts they will accept MAGA government, they will accept MAGA rule, and they know when the killing starts they will accept that too. Otherwise, we would have been in the streets weeks ago.
How about this, George Soros me up and I’ll stir the shit for them.
Asmond gold, a wow streamer, has a direct line of contact to elon musk. Wtf we doing?
I can be polite and wont ham fist political conversations but yeah, don’t give me an opening, I’ll drive the knife in.
I just think there are lots of people that can speak on all of this intelligently and they feel no need to chime in. They are perfectly fine with the media circus and make no attempt to counter the idiot narratives.
I guess they obviously don’t exist, though. If they had the means and care they would have already appeared. 350 million people in the US and I’m all you got you poor souls.
I’d like a smug Dick Tracy. Amirite!
They are cowards. Trump being their man is enough to keep them in line.
If I was musk, I’d look you up with all my government knowledge and send the IRS after you.
Like I said. There is non synthetic clothing.
All I know about BPA is the chemical process to create polymers from it is quite toxic and those chemicals never really go away.
I thought the majority was from tires. There are other synthetics that use organics for cloths. But yeah the shirt I’m wearing right now is virtually a plastic bag.
Sure but how many of those comments aren’t just a pile of shit that no one reads cause they didn’t get in fast enough?
Guys, I think this counts.