Asking because there’s a TV show coming out soon that I’m excited for, but I’m having flashbacks of all the times I’ve had to wait up to two years for something to come out, often due to delays.

      19 days ago

      I still hold onto the moment when I saw a crowdfunding video for it back in 2012. I got so excited that I went over to a friend’s house and showed it to him. I remember him not being that excited but did ask how long until it came out. I thought for a moment while I recalled how long it took Blizzard Ent. to prototype, build, fix, and ship (vanilla) WoW. I said to him. “I figure it will be 4 years before they announce a soft or hard release date. So we might hear about it heavily in 2016 as they get ready to release it sometime in 2017. I’d be surprised if they had to wait till 2018.” 💀