From Julie Maggert
Sometimes, opportunities only come once in a lifetime. Well, I ended up having 4 with this Snowy. I couldn’t help myself and head over one more time. I hemd and hawd all morning about what my chances were going to be to get any better shots of her. You can not rely on nature. She does her own thing when she wants. I had more driving around this time. She made me work for it. She finally perched onto a utility pole early enough with bright, blue skies. I couldn’t be more proud of myself throughout this whole journey. It took a lot of work, time, and stubbornness. Again, she is REAL, no AI, nor color enhancing.
No real updates on the owl itself or why it’s orange. It must be eating though if it hasn’t been caught or moved on. Still wishing you the best of luck, unique frosty one!
Send these aren’t “new” photos, they’re from mid-February. They’re just making it through the owl media finally.
I keep checking for updates on it. I really want to find out what it is.
Here’s 2 more I just found from the series in another article:
Man, I love unfiltered Lemmy sometimes. I always see Superbowl and chuckle at the inversion (like r/trees and r/marijuana, back in The Bad Place, lol) but every now and then I’ll dig a little deeper, and I just love the passion you guys have for kickass birds like this one. Thanks for sharing!
I always try to give you guys stuff you haven’t seen before, and thankfully the owls keep delivering!
Nice to see Creamsicle going strong!
She’s real and really not in a good mood.
I think I’d be grumpy too if the paparazzi kept following me! Creamsicle has mice to catch; get out of here with your cameras, you’ll scare them off!
Just stay away from that bird sanctuary in the other post! 😖
An angry owl is a happy owl, kinda like in the 80s when “bad” meant “good” and “hot” and “cool” meant the same thing.
Creamsicle the Owl is tired of your bs.
She is a beauty! And looks healthy at least!