The only real hoop you have to jump through is to go through the online training course which takes about 30 minutes and is all about administration of the drug
I received my package today and feel it’s important to have around with the current rise in opioid overdoses.
Their kit does not include CPR masks so I recommend purchasing some to keep with your doses. (Won’t share a link due to Amazon boycott)
I would’ve bought some ages ago if I lived in a bigger city.
Is it handy to have some even if you’re not a user and aren’t regularly around users? What else does the course cover? I took a brief look on the website and couldn’t find an FAQ or something like that.
Yes. At least keep some in your home where you know where it is. You never know when grandma might forget that she’s already taken her pain meds, or a kid drinks too much of the wrong cough syrup, or (and I mean this in the least judgemental way possible) a friend hides their habit from you. Or literally any of those things (or a million other possibilities) happens to your next door neighbor.
I’ve got some shipping to my house now.
What you said.
No one in my house uses opiates, but you never know what may happen.
Free supplies make the “Should I just in case” a no-brainer
If you’re Canadian, you can walk into most pharmacies and they will give you a kit for free and provide brief training on the spot.
I can’t remember which website it was but you can also get it for free, delivered by mail in Ontario.
Avoid storing it in extreme heat or cold since it degrades the naloxone. But degraded “carcan” is better than none.
Another hail Canada moment. Hoping y’all don’t let the bully win this week. Someone has to stand up to him.
Damn, I feel sorry for calling you guys our hat all the time! (Thats awesome)
Sometimes local festivals will have tents giving out OD kits too, worth keeping an eye out. That’s how I’ve kept my house stocked haha
In Oakland, some bars have it and give it away. If you’re in a city that has a large unhoused population, it’s prudent to notice whether establishments in your area may do the same.
Straight from the west, Oakland is the best – Too $hort
Apparently you can get Narcan from weed shops too. My father told me he scored some for free when he went a few days ago. I don’t know why he got it, because he doesn’t use opioids, but I guess it’s good to have on hand in case someone else needs it.