Thagomizer, it’s the end of stegosaurus. There was no scientific name for the spiked end, the paleontology side decided the Farside comic called it Thagomizer so let’s use that
the onion
people keep saying Idiocracy but i wouldnt consider it a parody, but a satire, and also i cant help but complain that the film makes more of an accidental pro-eugenics statement than anything about authoritarian politics
The venture Bros
What were they parodying ?
Saturday Morning cartoons, super heros and stuff.
Idiocracy is at least more entertaining
Remember when Idiocracy was a farce instead of a documentary?
I think the Documentary Now! episode, “Juan Likes Rice and Chicken” is better than Jiro Dreams of Sushi
Link for the lazy
FourStar Dragon Ball abridged parody
The Onion is way better than real life, especially currently.
On Cinema has better story telling and character development than most of Hollywood.
As an animation nerd I gotta mention Shrek. As a parody of “Disney princess movies” it killed the entire genre dead.
The only time Disney tried to play the tropes somewhat straight again was the Princess and the Frog, and THAT was a major flop (though racism probably also played a part in that).
Since then Disney only made remakes or titles like Frozen that spend 70% of their runtime mugging at themselves and poking fun at their own tropes (… While still circling back to them anyway and failing to make any point or commentary)
On a less “this made a major cultural impact” note and more of a “this personally completely altered my entire sense of humour and replaced the original in my heart” – SnapCube’s Realtime Fandub Games Sonic Adventure 2
Oh oh ohohoh! Just remembered JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. Very much a manga that was poking fun at contemporaries like Fist of the North Star… And while it didn’t outlive or outdo them per se, it definitely gained a life of its own, continuing to this day and actually being quite influential in its own right.
princess and the frog had no chance, disney wanted it to fail so they had an excuse to never go back to 2d animation again
That part I didn’t know but it doesn’t surprise me either.
Still, “Disney wanted to kill off their traditional animation department” might explain why every movie since has been CGI/Live Action. – It does NOT explain why every movie since has been so metalinguistic and self-satirising. THAT can be laid at Dreamworks’ feet entirely, with the influence of Shrek et. al. on the cultural zeitgeist.
Hi, it’s me, The Devil
Wrong game, but I always appreciate SnapCube regardless.
The only time Disney tried to play the tropes somewhat straight again was the Princess and the Frog, and THAT was a major flop (though racism probably also played a part in that).
Probably, I watched because of my kid recently, and it striked me as one of the better Disney movies. In fact, it’s a pretty awesome one compared to recent bigger hits like Frozen and etc.
's a good movie. Predictable as those disney princess musicals tend to be–
– But still. It’s pretty. It’s entertaining. And the music sequences are awesome.
I also quite liked it. It feels like a ‘classic’ Disney movie.
Amish paradise. I find the song better than the original(s)
Man, thank you for adding that (s).
Stinks that almost no one knows Gangster’s Paradise is a remake.
Also White And Nerdy
Also the Weird Al style parodies. Dog Eat Dog is one of the best Talking Heads songs ever.
Nobody every mentions “I Think I’m a Clone Now”.
I can be at home while I’m out of town
The minecraft parody songs. Iconic
Deadpool It was a parody of DCs Deathstroke, right down to the guy’s name Slade/Wade.
I always thought Deadpool and Deathstroke look eerily similar
While that’s true, it took a few writers before he really came into his own. It was the 2000s before he was the meta, witty, merc with a mouth. The parody was a lot more on the nose and it traded some of the parody for the meta, witty Wheaton-isms and pop culture references. Parody Deadpool and Deadpool Deadpool are arguably different characters.
i am pretty sure he was called the merc with a mouth in his first appearance but someone who knows more about comic history can correct me
Except I’m not talking about what he’s called, I’m talking about his character.
Idiocracy started as a parody, and is now becoming a reality.
Idiocracy is the only movie I’m aware of that was released as a comedy and became a horror movie.
Idiocracy has transitioned from pessimistic take to optimistic. At least in Idiocracy everybody listened to the smart one and enacted changes that helped.
GhatGPT will save us
Blur - Song 2 was intended as a parody of American rock and is laden with nonsense lyrics. It’s their most known song in America by a wide margin and might even be their most known song globally.
American here. I first heard this in the soundtrack for FIFA 98 or 99
You could say fans of the song might need to get thier head checked by a jumbo jet, even though it won’t be easy.
Nothing is
I got my head shaved. It was easy though as I’ve done it countless times.