• Kachilde@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    By not forcing Palestinians out of their homes to house Americans: https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2021/5/4/if-i-dont-steal-your-home-someone-else-will-jewish-settler-says

    By not voting in a government that openly supports the eradication of a people that they claim are not a culture: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/world/no-such-thing-as-palestinian-people-top-israeli-minister-says

    By not commuting further war crimes by doling our collective punishment on civilians: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/10/israel-opt-israel-must-lift-illegal-and-inhumane-blockade-on-gaza-as-power-plant-runs-out-of-fuel/

    This video was posted in May 2021, and is still relevant: https://youtu.be/INCXqWzH5vk?si=xxvSkiBcRtkZwZVa

    War crimes are being committed on both sides, but one side is in a far better political, economic, and defensive position. Treaties and councils have been written, but if the stronger party decides they want to break those agreements, and suffers no repercussions from doing so (so far as having essentially full support from the US government at one point), what can the smaller group do? Roll over and let their people be extinguished by a callous and racist government?

    I do not condone attacks from either side, but saying that Palestine is “suffering the consequences”, while ignoring the actions that led to this attack (which could be seen as Israel suffering their own consequences) is short sighted and cruel.

    • blewit@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      I don’t argue there is a complicated history. I don’t deny there are folks in the Israeli government that have small minded opinions. But to say there is no Arab representation in the Israeli government is false. To suggest that bigot views of one minister represents the position of the nation, or dictates it is misunderstanding the parliamentary government in Israel.

      What I’m saying is that the Palestinians in Gaza have had an amazing opportunity to choose their own destiny. Israel pulled out without preconditions. Left the agricultural industry in place. There wasn’t a blockade until the people of Gaza chose Hamas, and Hamas chose to follow its charter of hate rather than build up its own population. The only reason the people of Gaza are in the locked down situation they’ve been in is simply because Hamas choose aggression and Israel needs to secure its people. Now Israel failed this past week and Hamas got an opportunity to execute its mission. And it has to the horror of even you, I’m sure.

      This is the bed the people of Gaza made. Now they need to sleep in it. Sorry. That sucks. But you need to be held accountable for your decisions.

      • Malfeasant@lemm.ee
        1 year ago

        Just look at is the body count. Israel kills or maims 10 or more Palestinians for every one Israeli casualty. That sounds less like defense and more like overwhelming offense.