And last year they were all saying some variation on “don’t worry, AI is not going to cost anyone their jobs.”
Key take away for anyone is to never trust what an executive is saying. Much like a politician, if their lips are moving they are probably lying.
Reminder: the problem is 100% capitalism, 0% technology. We’ve built a truly perverse economic system in which eliminating labor hurts people.
Who’s we? In the country I grew up in, you’d get two years of unemployment benefits (90% of your previous salary), free education and free student support of $1000/month while retraining. This country runs with a surplus and one of the lowest levels of foreign debt and, no, it’s not a financial haven/tax shelter.
It’s about how we structure society - let no one tell you otherwise, capitalism or not.
It hurst people not rich enough to be in the 1% or above. The 1% or above will benefit from it in the short term. In the long term it is going to hurt them as fewer and fewer people will be able to buy their products and services. At least for this quarter it’ll look dynamite.
Capitalism is going to eat itself.
We have Jack Welch to thank for this trend. It wasn’t always that way.