Just finished watching the live action and i absolutely loved it. This is best in quality and Albert Kim (program creator) proved he’s a fan. This show got everything and felt bit of rushed from the cartoon. But they beautifully condensed the story we saw on 20 episodes into 8 episodes. Gordon Cormier portrayed Aang so well. I felt him like Aang because he had the responsibility(convince the fans) to carry out this role at this young age. This show doesn’t have fun elements as like in animation, but it felts so realistic to the new audience. Hopefully this series could bring more viewers to the original series. There are many sequences which are only on the book are shown and it makes more sense to the story. Netflix should bring the next season soon before the cast gets more old. I know the creators of this show left Netflix due to creative differences, but Netflix did a good job.

  • melisdrawing@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Honestly, I went in very skeptical and it won me over early with Sokka. The only thing I didn’t love was the crazy texturing on Appa and all of the animals really. They felt overly detailed and otherwordly. The bending effects, set & prop designs, and performances are fantastic though. Will be excited for season 2.

    • Maalus@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      A lot of fans were saying “the trailers don’t show earth or fire bending. They will be awful”. So the show starts with an earthbender fighting firebenders, almost like to say “look, it ain’t shit”