It’s also important to note that ChatGPT internet search and DuckDuckGo are experiencing similar issues because they use the Bing API.
It’s also important to note that ChatGPT internet search and DuckDuckGo are experiencing similar issues because they use the Bing API.
Totally agreed. Hell, I’m even considering a full dive in Linux for the future. Anyone know if is possible to use something like Valve’s Proton to have windows programs run smoothly? (wine is kinda heavy)
Proton is just Valve’s version of WINE.
It depends on what programs and how much do you need them. Some are fine with plain wine, some need more tinkering. There are multiple ways, starting from lutris, through bottles, to steam’s “non-steam game”. But still there are some SW that just won’t work on linux no matter what.
For Games on Epic/Gog/Amazon use Heroic , for everything else/alternatively use Lutris. They set up everything for and apply specific patches with a steam like experience