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Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • This meteorite was revered as a sacred object by the indigenous peoples who surrounded its original landing spot and rituals such as dipping arrowheads in the rain-filled cavities was common to help bring success in hunting or battle. Then some white guy showed up and and came into possession of it by simply buying the land it stood on, which then made the meteorite legally his to do what he wanted with, so he sold it to the American Museum of Natural History in NYC. For many years, the native groups that used to revere the meteorite fought in court to get it back to its original resting place. Eventually, they reached an agreement with the AMNH to formally sign over ownership if they ever decide to take it off display. They also host private after-hours visits each year for the local native peoples. Personally, though, I feel that the museum now simply has more motivation to never ever take it off display. I’d be surprised if it comes back any time in the next 100 years, unfortunately.

  • More like the NHL tried to do an inclusive event, but 2 or 3 players were able to spit on the whole thing, and the NHL allowed them to very visibly undermine it, justifiably calling the whole thing into question. If the NHL allows that, then I’m sure they aren’t as progressive as they’d like to appear.

    If it was truly only 2 or 3 players, I doubt there’d be much pushback from the union for taking action after making them all look bad. This kind of thing only works if literally everyone participates. If those players refused, they shouldn’t have been let on the ice at the very least. Being willing to do that would say way more for the NHL’s support for the LGBT community than wearing rainbow jerseys.

    The NHL has shown this was just a PR stunt and doesn’t actually have the backs of its fans. Now, those 2-3 players have somehow forced a multi-billion dollar corporation to completely roll over and drop any pretense of support for the LGBT community in its entirety. I’m surprised they didn’t just fire them for causing such a headache and to help save face.

  • A real classic! What wasn’t featured in the original news story was a passerby who had demolitions experience in the army in Vietnam. He approached the guy in charge of the job and explained that this would never work because when you detonate explosives in sand like they were going to, instead of blowing the whale entirely out to sea laterally, the blast would create a cone of explosive force straight upward and shear off massive chucks of whale hundreds of feet into the air, while leaving half the carcass basically untouched. Here’s a 25 year anniversary retrospective with some extra bits of fun info.

    I don’t understand why they didn’t come at high tide and tow it miles out to sea using a couple tugboats. No dismemberment necessary, just a big strap around the tail-fin. Once miles from shore, the whale could be lanced to release the decomposition gasses and allow it to sink naturally where it could benefit the sea floor for decades. If they’d gone maybe 50ish miles offshore, that would have been proper deep sea abyssal zone and perfect for a whalefall.

  • Tupac most definitely had gang affiliations with both Bloods and Crips even if he didn’t bang himself. If being as close to Suge Knight, a very high ranking member of the M.O.B. Piru Bloods, as Tupac was doesn’t automatically count as being involved in street politics, then I don’t know what would be. Tupac even had a M.O.B. tattoo and past members have confirmed his affiliations. Not to mention, Tupac was right at the heart of the East vs. West rivalry, something some people took very seriously, especially in a business as potentially lucrative as rap music. Do I need to remind you that Tupac had already been shot multiple times right in the studio building? If gunmen try to assassinate you twice over street politics shit, that kind of makes you part of street politics. I never said he was a banger, because he wasn’t, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t involved in street politics.

  • While it’s kind of funny, I hate that this clip gets posted because it’s blatantly doctored. In the actual video, the kid calmly greets his opponent to the stage and plays a game with him with a significant time handicap. It wasn’t enough, though, and he refused to surrender even when it was clear he would run out of time. He only started crying once he officially lost.

  • If you had access to a large genetic database, it would theoretically be possible to find living relatives, provided at least one (even quite distant) relative is included in that database. It may be possible to then retrace familial history to determine who specifically it may have been.

    That’s more or less how they managed to find the Golden State Killer. Someone noticed that the GSK’s DNA had distantly related DNA listed in GEDmatch’s private database and family trees were constructed to narrow down suspects until only one remained based on timing, location, and other details. The person listed in the database and the GSK were so distantly related that they only shared a great-great-great-great grandfather.