The freakanomics effect on a generation of academics
The freakanomics effect on a generation of academics
Disable biometrics.
Jesus man that is brutal sorry to hear you’re going through that.
You know what. Props. In all The Discourse why did I never hear / think of that. It IS cyberpunk af.
Cory doesn’t miss
I played at release and you had to do cop shit all the time. Not very punk at all. Had that changed?
Hell yeah. Awesome piece.
Keep your eye on the prize. Google and Mozilla aren’t even in the same area code of shit. Firefox is the obvious answer.
The shared secret with my Vaultwarden server? Add mfa and someone needs to explain to me how passkeys do anything more than saving one single solitary click.
Literally just use a password manager and 2/MFA. It’s not a problem. We have a solution.
Wus growing obsession with woowoo bs health science is depressing and seems like a trauma response to Covid (or a grifter one).
404 don’t miss. Best tech journoing in the biz imho
Tech bro knob slobber.
“Give me a Python script using yt-dlp that I can run on a cronjob that will download the videos from any of my subscribed channels since the last time the script was run”
You can use the following Python script to download videos from your subscribed channels since the last run. This script uses yt-dlp
and stores the last download timestamp to track new videos.
First, ensure you have yt-dlp
pip install yt-dlp
Then, create a script called download_videos.py
import os
import json
import subprocess
from datetime import datetime
# Configuration
last_run_file = 'last_run.json'
download_directory = 'downloads'
# Ensure the download directory exists
os.makedirs(download_directory, exist_ok=True)
# Load the last run time
if os.path.exists(last_run_file):
with open(last_run_file, 'r') as f:
last_run = json.load(f)['last_run']
last_run = datetime.now().isoformat()
# Update the last run time to now
current_run = datetime.now().isoformat()
# Command to get videos from subscribed channels since the last run
command = [
'--download-archive', 'archive.txt',
'--output', f'{download_directory}/%(title)s.%(ext)s',
'--date-after', last_run,
'--merge-output-format', 'mp4',
'https://www.youtube.com/channel/CHANNEL_ID', # Replace with your channel URL
# Run the command
# Save the current run time
with open(last_run_file, 'w') as f:
json.dump({'last_run': current_run}, f)
print("Download complete. Next run will check for videos since:", current_run)
Make the script executable:
chmod +x download_videos.py
Open your crontab:
crontab -e
Add a line to run the script at your desired interval (e.g., daily at 2 AM):
0 2 * * * /path/to/python /path/to/download_videos.py
in the script with your actual channel IDs or use a playlist URL if preferred.archive.txt
file keeps track of already downloaded videos to avoid duplicates.Well you know what they say “Great minds think quicker than mine and probably have already had that thought.”
Donate to the EFF for fighting that fight in court already.
Yes but literally throwing together a script to download the days subscription videos to a jellyfin media drive would be stupidly simple.
The design has absolutely not “definitely” improved.
What a predictable typical, mealy mouthed half acquiescence nothing statement from CDT, the “consumer protection” organization with an annual fundraising event called “Tech Prom” with all their tech funding. Glorified agitprop, compromised ass DC swamp huffers.
All age verification is bullshit and doesn’t work.