Gentle nerd freak of the pacific northwest. All nation states are vermin.

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2024


  • They’re just regular fuck-ups like us, but with obscene amounts of money.

    They’re much worse than regular people.

    Having money, fame or power causes changes in the human brain that reduces the ability to perform empathy. The rich are always at least a little more evil than normal people and if any one of us becomes rich, we’d also be a worse human.

    That said, humans fuck and sanctity of marriage is made up nonsense. To paraphrase principal Skinner: No, it’s the monogamy that’s wrong.

  • persistence hunting was one of the main hunting strategies during a large portion of human evolution before ranged weapons were invented

    How do ranged weapons invalidate persistence hunting?

    If you’re trying to chase down an animal till it’s exhausted, I think you’d want to be throwing stuff at it to injure or at least to keep it moving.

    Also, was there a time before ranged weapons? As soon as humans have weapons we have ranged weapons because we can throw. Atlatls and slings - tools to help you throw sticks and stones - wouldn’t have been developed if we weren’t already throwing sticks and stones at things.