Actually, your kids will be taught dependency on proprietary corporate software that spies on them and conditions them into corporate vendors walled gardens in order to a create lifelong customers (+ data mining sources) in order to enrich giant tech corporations.
Ideally, your kids would be taught genuine computer literacy so that they can be digitally self sufficient but that is never going to happen in a school setting.
Here’s an unrelated picture of a North American wood ape:
I sounds like you suffer from internalized proprietary.
Many experts in the past have noted that most such infected devices can’t survive a reboot because the malware can’t write to their storage. That means periodically rebooting can disinfect the device, although there’s likely nothing stopping reinfection at a later point.
Relevant line for my lazy chadbros who know that reading articles is for sissies.
To clarify, the term news to me translates to an organization whose purpose is to interpret events that could otherwise be better observed by going to primary sources oneself.
I don’t pay attention to news sources.
I would consider major centralized social networking platforms to be equivalent to television today as it holds captive the masses in much the same way, but with even finer grained control.
People apparently use installment plans for phone purchases these days, along with a downstream used market, so it’s actually a really apt analogy.
Ask her what her favorite steam locomotive engine is.
Get upset when she gives the wrong answer.
Erupt into a heated diatribe about the necessity of good boiler design and make sure she knows why she isn’t allowed to be friends with you.
Yell something unintelligible at her son on the way out.
If she still comes back to you later, then you know you’ve found a keeper.
Years ago I might have agreed, but with digital technology having become so central to one’s daily life I find it hard to excuse those who fail to educate themselves about the very basics.
I’d make a really awesome candy store clerk too, btw, because I love eating sugary snacks.
Settings templates with user.js are Firefox’s saving grace.
Best of luck on your 'nix journey.
Apparently I would make a really awesome moderator because seeing gore and shit doesn’t “scar me for life”. In fact, I seek it out out of morbid curiosity. Too bad I don’t have the requisite lust for power needed to be a moderator.
The schoolyard bullies are fighting each other again.
If I threaten a politician to kill them
Implies that the threat itself is what kills them. Or that the intention of making the threat is that they will die as a consequence of receiving the message.
English is a Subject-Verb-Object language. What you should have said was:
If I threaten to kill a politician
Web browsers are beginning to feel that way these days.
Routers: anything supported by OpenWRT.
Apparently the ISP modem-routers being supplied these days have virtual assistants embedded (you vill use our spyware and you vill be happy!).
His younger sister will be Kazooie
Consoles: Hives of vendor lock-in and proprietary nonsense
Smartphones: Hives of vendor lock-in, proprietary nonsense and a powerful tool for social engineers
Laptops: Strong tendency toward proprietary design, eh they’re not that terrible, I guess…
All in all, making these things harder to obtain would be a net positive for society.