Back in the day you could afford both med school and running an elaborate murder hotel with some gruesome custom made contraptions. Now you can’t even afford a simple murder house. What has come of this country.
Back in the day you could afford both med school and running an elaborate murder hotel with some gruesome custom made contraptions. Now you can’t even afford a simple murder house. What has come of this country.
Sure, theoretically normal sickdays are capped to six weeks, but you do not have to collect your sick days in a sick day account like the Americans. You get a doctor’s notice and then have an official sickday. After the six weeks you can still get Krankengeld which is paid by the statutory health insurance.
And on average the 39,5 hours work week and 25-30 vacation days per year. Also unlimited payed sick days.
With the 1966 labour share of income you probably would be working way less (or making way more)
It also inspired Schwanzus Longus as the accurate translation of Biggus Dickus in the life of Brian
Na you have large population centers where a lot of alarm clocks go off at exactly 7am. The same people fall asleep over a longer interval of time the night before.
Not saying it is a bad thing. It is also very fortunate that Romania needs to show that they have a robust judical system to get into the Schengen agreement. I hope for society, that Romania now really needs to show that they can keep the EU safe from non-EU criminals like Tate.
Publicly bragging that the Romanian justice system is corrupt and won’t detain him probably didn’t help.
Yeah. I grew up near one of Germany’s largest open-pit lignite mines. Had a tour of the mighty Bagger 293 as a kid and was allowed to touch some coal.