Never underestimate the incompetence of people, especially in the US, with regards to history. Just look how they are basically trying to recreate Germany’s 1933 at the moment.
Never underestimate the incompetence of people, especially in the US, with regards to history. Just look how they are basically trying to recreate Germany’s 1933 at the moment.
Just like a number of very rich and well armed wackos want to bring back Trump in the US.
That is one of many possible combinations, but I was trying to learn what it actually has.
Are those 20 USB ports actually individual ports, or are they the result of a bunch of USB switches?
I have to admit that this is rather old. So old, in fact, that it does not refer to the Third Reich but the Kaiserreich.
The German version as actually survived its original time frame: “So lang das Deutsche Reich besteht, wird Schraube fest nach rechts gedreht” - “As long as the German Reich exists, a screw is tightened by turning right”
Nothing that cannot be fixed by a Linux install.
Just generally break people’s systems, add spyware, lie to users, treat them like shit.
Too many people bought that shit. Their own fault for getting ripped another one.
You forgot the lack of mental capacity in the average windows victim.
If you can get local tomatoes that were harvested when actually ripe, go for fresh. If all you can get your hands on are tomatoes harvested green and ripened in the store, take the canned versions.
I used a 4.2kg tin of tomatoes for my Ragu Bolognese last Saturday. Nothing to complain about the result.
LG recently released an interesting series of “monitors”. Basically smart TVs without the smart, but sized like big TVs.
If you want to escape an ad-filled roku, a smart TV is not exactly an escape. It only bundles all the privacy violations and intrusions in one place.
Like one accident that was in the news here some time ago: A truck smashed into a stopped truck without any traces of it breaking (They assumed later that the driver had fallen asleep), and it took a moment for them to notice that there actually was a small car completely crushed between them.
There was something like that in the local newspaper a few weeks ago. A drunken woman (IIRC) had “bounced” 19 cars parking left and right of the road.
I have not seen the accident itself, but…
I was working in the XRay department as a clerk back then, when the EMT guys brought up a customer straight from ER. This was the first unusual thing, because that is normally not the job of the EMTs. The second unusual thing was the order form for this patient - basically any standard XRay-job on the form was selected.
And then, I was called in, too. Absolutely not in the book. Both EMTs, one of the two radiology assistents, and I had to don lead and hold this guy down. He had taken drugs, left his group, and hugged a driving trucks’ front. He had broken about everything you can have broken without croaking on the spot, and was so far away that he tried to hit and kick with his busted limbs at the people who were trying to help him. Imagine four men holding down one guy without damaging him even further.
That is 100% correct. Nonetheless, the US agencies assumed that they were smarter than basically all of the security community and common sense.
IIRC the backdoor design and keys came from the agencies, not the companies.
What’s the outrage? Those backdoors were made for governmental use. The only thing is that it was not made for foreign government use, but hey, that is just due to the incompetence of those who designed the backdoor…
So the blunders of US agencies did harm to millions of people. Lawsuits, anyone?
Tonight is movie night in Tampa Bay! They are showing “Gone with the Wind” everywhere…
I daresay that 99% of “English-speakers” never wasted a thought on why the Third Reich actually was the third.