Going to be skeptical until I see actual MSRP and gameplay benchmarks for both raster and RT.
Well not sure I’m exactly stoked considering paradox interactive pushes DLC like the Sacklers pushes oxy.
Considering your first post was laughing your ass off and bragging about it being a “Absolutely well deserved ban”, it wasn’t sending any indication that you were up for a actual conversation.
The fact that you think that simply saying “Fuck yes” is an attack is ridiculous.
As for their criticism, I never said they were unwarranted did I? I know what their position are, hell I agreed with a lot of it, I simply think they were flawed in their strategy to being with and endorsing Trump was a stupid move. None of that matters now because Trump is in office and yeah, they had a significant impact on a swing state so guess what they do get to shoulder blame on getting Trump elected and don’t get to say “don’t blame us for Trump winning” when you did have a part, they made a stand, own the results. Arab Americans, Latinos, Blacks, Asians, Whites made a choice to vote for Trump, to vote for Stein, to vote for no one, which also was a point I made, and now all Americans have to deal with the consequences and there’s plenty of blame to go around.
End of the day, you get what you voted for and suffer or prosper from the choices you make and the choice was Trump so deal because you don’t have a hypothetical Harris to deal with now.
I’ve actually been using lemmy for a while, I guess I’ve just been lucky enough to have never comment in one of these in all that time. But live and learn and good to know.
Oh I definitely see .ml in a different light and you sure did help me realize that.
You think that’s “attacking” people? Man you are a ultra sensitive bunch aren’t you? You think pointing out actions have consequences is “attacking” people? Cripes, how do you deal with the real world then?
Whatever, I think at this point given the members who have been commenting, yeah pretty much I agree I got a well deserved ban.
I mean after the two heads left, one does have wonder.
Only for Mexico and Canada after they agreed to do what they were already planning to do.
Shit, I guess I really should avoid .ml then considering my own background on China.
I wonder if you can turn that ban into a speed run kind of like Club Penguin.
Nice find. I mean no big loss being banned from there, just kind of sad and pathetic if you ask me.
I couldn’t even if I wanted to since I’m no true scotsman and was banned after a single initial post. Very pathetic of the people there and very sad that the people there are so fragile they can’t handle any sense of dissent. I mean that’s a lot of conservative energy there.
I would have no idea. There was no message, direct or otherwise.
Well good to know. I mean I thought r/conservative was bad but damn apparently that community is the other side’s mirror.
I made the bannable error apparently by making my first post there stating that Arab Americans for Trump, sorry for Peace, did shoulder some blame for the 2024 election, provided some stats showing that their efforts likely affect Michigan and that they would have to live with the consequences of their decisions.
The chart they showed already had there cheating metric on the decline and what followed wasn’t exactly deviating much from original slope.
Seems like a very bad analysis of the data to me.
Does this mean Linux users / players are cheaters or cheat more than players on other platforms? Well, no. The issue is mainly that cheat makers like to run their exploits on Linux whenever they can, so blocking Linux as a platform is the easiest and bluntest tool game developers have to combat the problem.
Either way, just really confirms that they’re not exactly great developers and I’m fine without playing this game and playing anything from EA honestly.
That’s why unfortunately I wait for a deep sale for these type of games.
So instead of developers taking time to actually do ray tracing right, ray tracing that people keep saying makes developers development easier and better we’re letting them be lazy, produce unoptimized, crappy ray tracing games and relying on proprietary hardware locked software to make it look okay.
Not exactly what is call a great direction for this tech in my opinion and not ready for it to be required in games.
It’s just a bad design and a bad standard.