assuming that “strong independent woman” being in the title of the original post counts as someone saying it
Hermione Granger because I read so little fiction that this is the first woman (?) that comes to mind.
In addition to the other caveats mentioned, searching “femboy” on google also doesn’t 100% lead to looking at the nsfw version, but I can see the correlation and I have also never heard of “ladyboy” and “shemale” so I (assuming good intent) assume they have to do with pornography.
huh? please elaborate. The opening paragraph of the time cube article appears normal
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the original interpretation actually makes sense!
see elsewhere: doubt about whether all game publishers are the same
Well, (my vegetarian friend’s least favourite dumb philosophical question:) Is Death Even Actually Painful?
ooor, “people only get rich if they are not good, they do not stop being good as an actual result of having money”. That’s what I thought OP[1] meant.
The “equity” from "Private Equity (has consumed America by Sam “Wendover Productions”)? or which one? If you mean equality (also known as equity): do you mean how insisting on equality of e.g. external conditions (taxes, school curricula, etc.) is ableist or something?
Read the actual forum directly if you want to extend your daily fix of other tech people’s interesting opinions:
delete and pause your watch history, at least that’s how it works for me.
not completely correct! 19