Telegram users have never had privacy. Group chats are completely in the open and private messages are only encrypted if both users turn it on for each conversation—and it’s off by default. I’ve never understood why anyone thinks Telegram is any better than posting anywhere else on the internet.
There’s a preprint paper out that claims to prove that the technology used in LLMs will never be able to be extended to AGI, due to the exponentially increasing demand for resources they’d require. I don’t know enough formal CS to evaluate their methods, but to the extent I understand their argument, it is compelling.
Then the likely outcome of your actions is at odds with your stated goal of forcing the two major parties to shift their platforms over time.
That’s laudable, but the way to do that is to vote in primaries, not to vote third party in the general election
A normal business, yes. Normal businesses are highly and cruelly exploitative, which is why we decided 80 years ago (in the US) that children, at the very least, should be protected from them.
I lost all confidence in it when it rated Jerusalem Post and Euronews (associated with Viktor Orban) as “highly reliable”. Both push the pro-fascist narratives of their associated governments. It’s better to have no labeling than to label fascist propaganda as “highly reliable”
I don’t, because there isn’t any
It’s not OP’s fault that Raccoon’s developer chose to be extra and delete their app from the internet for scoring low on a Markdown implementation rating, especially since the level of implementation was a design decision. Further, a pull request was coming soon that would have dramatically improved it. It’s too bad that the developer being dramatic killed off a very nice app.
This same “discovery” gets reported on once or twice a year; it’s starting to feel like a FUD campaign rather than actual research
That’s a ridiculous idea. If I buy a computer with an OS that has an encryption key to protect the hard drive, and later I need that key to remove my data to another system, I have an entirely reasonable expectation that I’m allowed to do so, regardless of how much the computer manufacturer doesn’t want me to.
I wonder what the trend of homicides by police looks like
Trump derangement syndrome is where a person believes that Trump can do no wrong, is exceptionally strong and intelligent, and has been anointed by god to save the world from liberal vermin. It is rampant on twitter and among musk fanatics.
I know, right? I can’t believe someone is still unironically citing the twitter files, as if they did anything but prove that musk and his acolytes were just creating drama
“Bolsheviks aren’t leftists” is an argument, bud. And what you’re supposed to do, if you want to respond, is address the argument, not something else that you find easier to attack
When we’ve decided on what the leftmost remaining instance is, we’ll know which one to call the tankie instance and say it has been promoting tankie propaganda.
I see a lot more whining about tankies than I see actual tankies.
It’s incorrect to assume that your personal experience is a good representation of reality in general
It won’t be that hard. When another instance promotes tankie propaganda, it’s the tankie instance. Dialectics really rots the brain, comrade.