Imagine if our democrats had the spine to do this
Did a group of lead poisoned boomers conduct this study? I doubt childhood was consistently ever great for everyone. Abuse was disgusting during the mid* to early 1900s. Pretty sure it was worse before.
I learned a new term today that illustrates this move. Warrant canary. When a company disappears a promise it’s like a canary in a coal mine.
The .world instances tend to be trash
And then in one of his camps
Only going to get worse. Looked at the WARN website and it’s stacked.
I guess it’s still gotta go through congress? Call your rep. Adding it to my list of shit to call about.
Idk… I am so mad at my asshole boomer in-laws, my shitty clueless friends (predominantly white but not completely), and even my partner and his bro friends that I’m just like… whatever. I think it needs to fall hard. These people are beyond rescuing. I am so sick of everyone. I don’t wish ill will on the rest of us, though. I’ve just run out of empathy for the majority.
Neat. Need it in Cali.
“Democratic strategist Steve Schale, who served as the director of the pro-Biden super PAC Unite the Country, attributed some of the donor reluctance to fatigue, which he said happens after every election.”
Fuck this guy in particular.
He worked with the nazi party in January?! smfh. I grew up in Bavaria and am surprised to see they’re not AfD. Maybe not. I guess I’m not surprised to see the part of .DE closer to Putin hell hole (also ex-communist) is the blue nazi.
Also… “Crime and immigration, street bullying, the soaring cost of housing and fears of military conscription if Germany goes to war are all issues driving younger Germans away from the centre.”
YEP! Better vote harder in your worst interest. Humans are a mess.
Ahh yes, Trevor. The name suits the judge well.
Would’ve been great if instead of the fall of the USSR, it was the breaking up of Russia all together.
It must suck living so close to Russia. It already sucks living one ocean over from it.
Kremlin needs to be stunned… with a fixking taser
We need to call our democratic leaders and tell them to follow Bernie
These “other” attacks always crop up right before elections. It happened in the US recently, too. Like clockwork.
Historically, just being vocally disapproving is helpful. A huge part of gleichschaltung is normalizing atrocity starting with basic shit before moving into killings.
Ugh… yea.