When you say you’ve been progressing very little, what precisely do you mean? Weight loss? Strength gains? Bicep strength specifically?
When you say you’ve been progressing very little, what precisely do you mean? Weight loss? Strength gains? Bicep strength specifically?
Those that don’t drive in the right-most free lane when not passing should be ticketed. Maybe that would help.
This is an interesting discussion. I’ve had a few loonies rage at me. How do you handle when drivers follow you way too close, like if you have to brake they might rear-end your car? I’ve had this happen a few times and it’s never because I’m driving under the limit, I usually speed moderately at 20% over. My solution has been to ease my foot off the accelerator to slowly slow down to give them a hint. Some catch on and back off, others get aggressive.
Edit: I should note that speeding up isn’t always possible because in some cases I’m behind someone else at a safe distance.
I’ve been reading books by Gabor Mate - recently finished When The Body Says No and almost done In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts. Lots of stories and insights into how others cope with what has happened to them. It helps to look at your own experience and coping through a new lens.
I wonder if anyone has had any experience using psychedelics in therapy? Not sure if this was in one of these books or if I read about this elsewhere.
I use an app called Training Today that keeps a running average and gives suggestions on how hard to push yourself. It’s pretty good.
Right off the bat, the author misses perhaps the best thing about this engine - it’s incredibly fast at prototyping ideas. This is obvious to anyone who has used it to try and make something.
There’s another response here - incorrect API usage
It’s definitely underfunded as others have said, but I will also add this - I had the opportunity on Saturday this past weekend to spend some time in the local emergency room due to a sports related injury. I got X-rays and a CT scan done and saw a Dr. And the cost to me personally was about 6 hours. The waiting was a bit long but I brought a book and some snacks, and everyone was super nice.
Try a residue free detergent like Atsko Sport-Wash Laundry Detergent.
Yup. This article explains it well: https://macrofactorapp.com/recomposition
When I was involved in the interviewing and hiring of programmers a while back, the number one thing we looked for was projects that you did on your own time.
Different industry, but I’d say you have a very good chance of getting a traditional job, even if they have college degree requirements. You can always pickup whatever you think you might be missing as needed, maybe with online courses.
Also, I’d suggest that if someone or some company discriminates against you because of your special needs, you probably don’t want to work there anyway.
Keep in mind grip strength is highly correlated with testosterone : cortisol levels which is a good way to measure recovery rate. So perhaps you’re pushing too hard. Use a hand dynamometer to measure accurately like another poster has said. Reference - https://www.t-nation.com/training/4-ways-to-test-your-recovery-rate/
Also your grip strength is quite strong.