• 26 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • As true as that may be, what’s the deal with all the times I’ve read stories of people setting up and configuring everything the way they want, and then after installing whatever particular updates manually, then MS reverts a bunch of settings back the way they want?

    I dunno, but when I got my HP laptop that shipped with Windows 10, I got to an initial setup screen that asked me something like what’s my mother’s middle name or maiden name or something like that, for sake of password recovery I believe.

    Even though I’m sure I could have entered in any random nonsense that I’d remember, I was like what effing business is it of the OS to ask such private details?

    I didn’t even finish the setup and first boot, I shut it down right then and formatted and installer Linux Mint MATE 20, and I couldn’t be happier.

  • It’s definitely not a top notch phone, so don’t expect it to be a powerhouse of a gaming phone or whatever, but it’s actually a pretty decent phone to be fair.

    It doesn’t have many sensors, only the accelerometer, light, proximity, and significant motion sensors, so don’t expect it to work with RFID or NFC devices either. No compass sensor either ☹️

    But where it lacks in power and features, it makes up for in an amazing battery life, plus even the stock Android ain’t too damn bad. 👍

  • Guess not, but as far as I ever knew, M$ has been known to try to maintain backwards compatibility for longer than most users would even consider necessary.

    XP supported DirectX 7/8/9

    I would have figured that would have continued on with future versions of Windows, but I guess Satya Nadella decided to scrap backwards compatibility.

    Oh well, all the more reason I switched to Linux as my main daily runner after Windows 8 came out. 🤷‍♂️

  • I just finished watching for myself. I think he held up pretty well and brought up many valid points and fact checks.

    One thing I didn’t see anyone bring up much regarding the topic of abortion is the topics of the health of the mother and the baby.

    When I was 2 years old, we were rear ended by an 18 wheeler. My mother’s head hit the windshield. They took her to the hospital and ended up prescribing her pain killers.

    It didn’t cross anyone’s mind that maybe she was pregnant again. Once the doctors found out, they realized the pain killers were the kind that cause gross life threatening fetus/baby deformities.

    There was literally zero percent chance that embryo was going to survive at that early point in her pregnancy. So the doctors had no choice but to highly suggest she abort the pregnancy. Otherwise she’d either end up with a highly deformed baby, or even worse she’d end up dead herself.

    She regretfully had them carry out the abortion, realizing that her first child (me) was literally named after my uncle from my father’s side that only lived to be a day and a half old, because of intestinal birth defects where his intestines were formed on the outside.

    Medical technology wasn’t so great back in the 1950’s when my deformed baby uncle was born, so there wasn’t much way to know that he would be born deformed. ☹️ My father decided to name me after him in honor.

    By 1984, at my own age of 2, my mother was pregnant again, but nobody knew when the truck rear ended us. But medical technology had improved enough by then that they should have at least checked whether she was pregnant or not before prescribing her medicine.

    The doctors made the wrong call and prescribed something known to cause extreme birth defects. So once they found out, they insisted she have an abortion, which she regretfully did, for sake of her long term health.

    She still regrets that decision today to an extent, but my mom very likely wouldn’t even be alive today if she had carried that baby.

    So, my opinion on all of that is, pro choice, and to hell with politicians or religious people practicing medicine without a license…

  • I told Marine Patrol to fuck off in Mississippi. He threatened to arrest me. His passenger told him he was the one in the wrong, because he had no business laying on his horn like he did as he passed me on my bicycle.

    There was no sense in him laying on the horn. He could have easily caused me to get startled and wreck my bike. He would have definitely been in the wrong if he had startled me that much to cause an accident.

  • Interesting. I’m not quite sure what the laws were back in 1996, but yeah with school and all, plus the travel distance of over 30 miles, even if it was legal for me to work a few hours a day after school, it wouldn’t have been practical at all.

    Still nice that he offered the job, I was trying to brainstorm and troubleshoot why my first sound card didn’t work. Turned out he got a defective batch, like 3 other customers had the same issues.

    He knew I did all the proper troubleshooting already. Honestly I forget what model sound card it was, but once I proved it didn’t work, he gave me a different card that cost twice as much, for no extra money.