I was prepared, and it got all twisted for some reason, maybe you do not say that name here?
I was prepared, and it got all twisted for some reason, maybe you do not say that name here?
this typo completely changes the sense of your sentence 😅
i still don’t understand this, I’m not getting smarter apparently
that helped
I know nothing about anything related to the USA but I predict that Trump will not pay anything
there’s probably just missing frames
or this episode of south park
their concerns reached the development team itself
haha, like there’s a dev team for TF2?
wait, isn’t it by default the case? they just change the scale to have a 0 to 100 percentage, or I’m missing something?
I need answers!
You mean the blue filter on display, which is often referred to as night mode?
I put my phone under my pillow.
Well now I’ve upgraded it with two tiny speakers from AliExpress so my phone is not overheating while charging
it’s just that he could take big risks (not even a smart one) in investment because he didn’t care about the money, he has so much that he can never lose it all, so of course if you can invest blindly you’ll for sure win at some point
well that’s definitely a way to not make more babies no?
for this you have to be sure that just the GPS location is being used and not Google, which can have the location from nearby wifi/Bluetooth devices
You scientist always told us to never stare at the sun and now you want to use it as a telescope!!!
looks like a waste of space and quite far from the person no? For sure they need good eyes