As more and more states pass laws targeting “pornographic material” in books and online, they are repeatedly running up against a problem: The Bible has not just a few passages that could be considered indecent

    7610 months ago

    Spoiler: he’ll completely ignore this comment and just continue to go on saying that all criticisms of conservatives are baseless and unproductive

    • Dark ArcA
      10 months ago

      I’ll be honest, the point was less for him and more for lurkers, that might not pay as much attention and might benefit from an outline. I gave up on changing the mind of the person I’m replying to on the internet a long time ago (if it happens great!) … but I want to challenge and cut through the “noise” for the casual observer.

        810 months ago

        That’s the only single reason I debunk conservatives with some of their tactics thrown back at them. In a forum, I’m pretty much am blocked by nearly every conservatives there.

      -1410 months ago

      He didn’t say that, he criticized generalizing conservatives. I know conservatives who don’t care to block books from school libraries, or block trans students from going to bathrooms in their identified gender- or most of the other “culture war” arguments.

        1510 months ago

        If they feel that way, then why do they vote politicians into power who do those things?

        You don’t get to vote evil people into power and then say “oh no, I don’t support the evil stuff, I just care about the lower taxes”

        310 months ago

        Yes but until they start actively opposing those policies and demanding their politicians do the same, they are still complicit with these policies as their votes are what enable them. Whether or not they personally believe these things is entirely irrelevant. All that matters are the actions and policies, and every conservative voter is this complicit.

          -310 months ago

          Unfortunately people have different priorities than you or I, I guarantee a politician you have voted for has done something you oppose, and you may have still supported them. That’s because you care more about their other policies.

            010 months ago

            False equivalency.

            “We should focus more on corporate taxes rather than individual taxes” is an opinion; “gay people shouldn’t have rights” isn’t an opinion, it’s hate.

            Don’t try to pretend these are on the same level. Supporting American conservatism requires a level of moral bankruptcy.

              10 months ago

              Both are opinion, something being abhorrent doesn’t make it not an opinion. Opinions can be hateful.

                010 months ago

                Yes but I don’t have to respect those opinions enough to validate them by acknowledging them. If those are your “opinions” then you’re a monster and you can fuck off. Don’t expect any respect from me; we need less kid gloves and more people calling out assholes in the world.

                  010 months ago

                  Being very wrong doesn’t make someone evil. If someone genuinely believes something like that and isn’t just saying it be edgy, I’d try to convince them out of it. Just like a flat earther, they believe something that I believe is very wrong.

                    10 months ago

                    I never signed up to be the social caretaker of the world. If they’re adults, I assume they’ve had plenty of opportunity to learn. I’ve devoted way to much of my life already to trying to educate the vile sort of people that vote conservative, I’m fucking done with it. They can go get the kid gloves treatment from their imaginary “tolerant left,” this fucking leftist is done with them.

                    And before you say “but how will things ever change if we don’t educate them?”:

                    First, again that’s not my job. But more importantly, education is only *one" weapon of change, not the only in our arsenal. We’ve forgotten how powerful rightly-applied shame can be.

        3110 months ago

        I don’t need to put any words into your mouth, your reply to the comment was to ignore all the real, objectively true examples and just claim that despite the fact that they’re the actions of real conservative policy makers, that they somehow have nothing to do with real conservative policy

        You ignore the faults of real world conservatism, holding up this idealistic version of conservatism you have in your head as “real” conservatism. Ill bet you also hold that conservatism has nothing to do with anti-LGBT+, despite their policy makers constantly making anti-LGBT+ policy decisions

          -3510 months ago

          You’re completely ignorant of who I am and you’re reinforcing my initial point that we should be careful about creating an echochamber.

            2110 months ago

            And you’re reinforcing mine by continuing to not actually address any of the actual points.

            Pointing out actual, provable examples of selective enforcement by conservatives isn’t an “echo chamber” it’s discussing real world politics

            Ultimately it looks from my perspective like you’re falling into the classic trap of just assuming that when a lot of people disagree with you, that they’re just mindlessly repeating talking points - rather than ever considering that your own view might be skewed. Further reinforced by the fact that you steadfastly refuse to actually talk about the issue, and instead just keep deflecting and crying “ECHO CHAMBER”.

            And no, I have no idea who you are, why should I care though? This is a discussion about conservative politics, not you or your feelings.

              -1910 months ago

              You’re trying to say “there are many examples of selective enforcement in conservative laws” and I’m saying “yeah, no shit, I agree with you”

              Meanwhile I’m being attacked for saying it’s important to be reasonable, demonstrating the echo chamber I’m talking about.

                1310 months ago

                So if you agree that what’s being said is factual, then what exactly is the concern here regarding “echo chambers”?

                A echo chamber is dangerous when people are spreading misinformation, a group of people acknowledging a very real negative aspect of a major political party is in no way “echo chamber” type behavior.

                Now if we were saying “all conservative voters and politicians are Nazis”, id agree with you that caution should be given about echo chambers, but cautioning about echo chambers when objective facts are being discussed comes across much more as you trying to deflect away from facts you don’t like being discussed.

                Would it help you if we also talked some trash about democrats?

                Biden is too old for office

                Most elected democrats are hypocrites, at least to some extent

                Virtually every politician, including the left leaning ones, in the US are corrupt to som extent, and usually to a severe degree

                There? Are you satisfied that we’re not an echo chamber?

                  210 months ago

                  Not denying that Biden is very old and that any vote for him carries a material probability that it also elects the VP for president, the vast majority of politicians are very old in the USA

                  -510 months ago

                  The concern is that you said “conservatives”, not “what’s popular amongst conservative politicians”, or “what’s popular amongst conservative media”, or even “most”. You just said conservatives, that is villifying all people by nature of a describing themselves by a very broad term(or even someone else ascribing it to them). Their initial complaint was generalization and you attacked them with evidence of it being true for some conservatives.

                    610 months ago

                    Who elects conservative politicians?

                    Who consumes conservative media?

                    Every person who votes conservative is guilty of the behavior I describe because - As pointed out above - they vote in the politicians who do these things

                    You can’t vote a politician into power and then not take responsibility for their actions

        2810 months ago

        Don’t put words in my mouth or accuse my of something you made up in your mind.

        Translation: I don’t have an argument for any of the things posted so I’m going to accuse a random person of something instead

            910 months ago

            No dude, fuck you and your weasel words and moving goalpost. You made a shit comment and got proven wrong. Now’s the time to gracefully take the L; anything else just makes you look like a jackass.

            210 months ago

            Lol, you prove my point more eloquently than I could have on my own. Well done, and keep getting mad at strangers online it’s probably the best part of your life.