Basically title, this thing with two editions of the game slows down development because they now have to write the same thing twice and it splits the userbase. They also don’t want to make Bedrock edition for Linux for some reason.
Basically title, this thing with two editions of the game slows down development because they now have to write the same thing twice and it splits the userbase. They also don’t want to make Bedrock edition for Linux for some reason.
That’s not true, bedrock started before Microsoft was ever involved; it was the console and mobile version.
Ah, right.
Point still stands though. JE development has been extremely conservative and cautious.
I mean, yes and no. They have (I believe) slowed down, but for quite a while they were making MAJOR refactors every release and the internals were rapidly changing despite not much being visible on the surface.
I think a lot of that stopped with dinnerbone taking a step back … but I’m also not as involved with the scene anymore so I’m not entirely sure if that’s true.
But yeah, they regularly used to screw modders up redoing internals to make things dynamic instead of hard coded and refraction tons and tons of stuff.
I miss the days when they were ambitiously pursuing an official API for mods; now they’ve kind of resigned to letting the community projects handle that. Which is not a terrible approach, but it’s not a great one either.
This was always controversial because the ostensible reasons, optimization and future features, seemed to pale in comparison to what random modders were doing hacking at the code. And Minecraft JE, feature wise, hasn’t changed that much.
Has bedrock edition changed much? I remember they had VR at one point, but in general they’ve kept the features pretty much identical AFAIK
Last I checked its still missing some gameplay features JE has, but generally tries to keep parity with JE, yeah.
I mean not lately. It’s been getting the same filler content updates that Bedrock has been getting. I guess they’ve been cautious about adding meaningful changes.
Well, sorta. Bedrock I believe actually was based off the mobile game, not console edition. Console edition was not so much of a rewrite as an attempt at a direct port for Xbox and PlayStation. One of the details that confirms this is that the old console editions used JE style seed numbers, whereas Bedrock edition kept the shorter seed numbers from mobile edition.
The original console editions are long dead.
Interesting, that’s a detail I hadn’t heard. So it sounds like the mobile edition eventually ate the console edition and then they wanted it to possibly eat the original Java version too, but couldn’t get there(?)
Pretty much. They got real aggressive at one point announcing things they were gonna roll into bedrock edition (this was around when they thought they were bringing combat update over, which never happened).
Then, all of a sudden, they pulled way back. I really got the impression they were thinking to give java the axe, only they discovered how much of a clusterfuck they were about to walk into and changed their minds. Instead suddenly the focus was on bedrock feature parity with Java (which, again technically never happened of course, cause of things like combat update).
I didn’t realize bedrock stayed with the old combat system… I honestly largely prefer that one