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- kernel
- shell
- compiler
Nix, git, and alacritty.
Probably the Linux kernel, bootloader, and systemd.
- KDE Connect (and GSConnect for when I’m using my laptop)
- Fish
- Lutris
- librewolf
- weechat
- mpv
- Hyprland/Sway
- Logseq
- Bitwarden (literally must-have)
Linux, emacs, clojure
- Emacs
- Zathura
Standard Notes, Firefox, novelWriter are the ones I rely on the most for my daily needs.
- foot
- wget
- lynx
also * ffplay and * yt-dlp.
- Firefox
- Konsole
- openssh-client
- nvim
- firefox
- LocalSend
- Firefox
- Python
- Vim
Vim Tree Redshift