• 11111one11111@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    If your guna just argue to be a cunt then atleast know what you are talking about.

    Before I go into detail explaining how it actually works, I have to know, how much?

    How much to wash old liver spotted asses covered in shit and piss every time you do rounds which is 3 times per shift for as many as 15 residents per round; then between rounds clean more shit off the lucid residents that didn’t make it to the can on time.

    How much to pull oldman foreskin back to clean their dick cheese for the dudes; and for the girls, wash all the old lady perineum and boob flaps. All while they make the same gross, nasty, or ashamed comments. This might come as a surprise but even away from the dementia/alzheimer units, when people get stripped of their independence they tend to get really fuckin mean. Don’t believe me, go up to any old person and strike up a conversation about them surrendering their license because they can’t see good anymore. See how that plays out lol.

    If youre not phased by the stomache curling grossness that is apart of your routine responsobilities, then youll love getting bitten, punched, kicked, or all around physically abused trying to feed, bath or any other basic care for your residents.

    Added bonus if you’re a female cuz you can add sexually harassed by disgustingly old men CONSTANTLY while being punished if you do anything but file a report that isn’t going to go anywhere because it would mean kicking every old man out of the home and on the streets if they actually did anything about the reports.

    But it’s OK because you are just 15 mins away from clocking out, yay! BUT WAIT THERES MORE! The travel nurse agency that was sending staff for the shift that follows you calls and says soandso isn’t going to make it in, leaving the next shift below the legal caretaker to resident ratio leaving you to be mandated for a minimum 4 more hours if the next next shift answers their phone and is willing to come in 4hrs early. If they don’t, you get to do 8hrs, double yay!

    Yes, these examples are specifically being drawn from my experience working in an under financed under staffed facility. With that being said, I will add that the ONLY real difference between my time working in low income/low staff facility and any of the top tier facilities in our area was just the pay, the benefits, the quality of tools/utilities/activities, plus the coworkers were better to work with because of how much better they treat the residents.

    The pay and overtime pay was always excellent all the places I worked. Like I said it was right out of highschool working 60+ hours a week.

    So one last time before I jump into explaining why you were wrong to help prevent you from looking dumb when you have erroneous opinions of how things you know nothing about work… how fuckin much? How much would it take for what i outlined to be your every single day life? Any number you name it because this might come as quite the surprise but there isn’t any money sitting around in any of the under staffed, under funded nursing homes for their private owners to fet rich.

    Good nursing homes pay for good nursing staff, to continue filling rooms with residents with good insurance, all because they are in wealthier communities with a history of caring for wealthy residents who fill beds with better to best tiers of insurance coverage.

    Nursing homes that are rural or in any lower income-ish areas are going to have a much much much higher amount rate of residents where all they have is Medicare/caid.

    Medicare isn’t too bad but Medicaid pays the homes on average 1/3 less per resident than medicare which still isnt close to private insurances. A nursing home can’t set their pricing at whatever they want either. They could price each bed at $1,000,000 a month but at the end of the month they are only guaranteed income they can count on is the amount a resident’s insurance is going to cover. If any resident’s 100 day window that Medicare covers runs out, the facility is dependent on the resident’s family making payments on time for someone they barely spend 5 hrs a year with. Even if they go the Medicaid route after medicare or supplemental insurance too, unless it was pre-established, the facility will be stuck without income for that resident until they get approved.

    Then they also turn over owners at a much higher rate too. Each usually assuming they can turn around these low priced private homes like some turn key business. The problem being, everything that happens in elderly homes, group homes and assisted care facilities is all dictated by regulations. So even if they wanted to lower operating costs, they’re very very limited in their flexibility on everything. From material costs to salary/wage costs. They submit reports for every expense and revenue allocation.

    I’ve wasted enough time on this topic. If you need sources, look up any number of medical journals available that look into the reason under funded and under staffed facilities rarely improve no matter how many new owners come in.

    TLDR1: You should learn about how shit works before you argue about about it so you prevent yourself from sounding so stupid to people who have experience on the matter.

    TLDR2: Nursing homes don’t operate like private businesses do in an open market because of their only dependable source of income is determined by how much insurance companies are willing to cover. If people were getting rich off nursing homes there wouldn’t be such high turnover rate in ownership.