If the theme song were magically, retroactively changed to Archer’s Theme, the show would automatically be considered twice as good with no other changes.
The cast and special effects were great. If the writers trusted the premise that this was going to be a straight origin story without temporal cold war bullshit, the series would have been a lot better.
The Romulans as the big bad for the series was there the whole time.
Babylon 5 was too melodramatic for me. I hated Vir but by my memory, his and G’Kar’s acting in the final seasons was admittedly a master class. Everyone else was overdoing it, especially Delenn.
The entire arc of those two are simply genius, and some of the best story telling, writing, and acting - full stop. And I’m a Firefly fan, so that’s saying something.
investment kinda goes without saying when it comes to television.
The view from halfway down is probably the best single episode of television ever produced but if you’ve never seen any other episode of Bojack it’s … a bunch of talking animals?
Enterprise is better than people give it credit for.
If the theme song were magically, retroactively changed to Archer’s Theme, the show would automatically be considered twice as good with no other changes.
I’m convinced I’m the only person on the planet that thought it was a banger.
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You are. You totally are…
My mother used to sing along. Would you like her number?
Is she hot?
Hot as fuck. She looks like me with a wig. /s
I’ll roll the dice
A lot of banger songs don’t belong in a Star Trek intro.
You take that back
ngl I actually thought the official intro was some kind of fan edit.
should have gone 7 seasons, too.
The cast and special effects were great. If the writers trusted the premise that this was going to be a straight origin story without temporal cold war bullshit, the series would have been a lot better.
The Romulans as the big bad for the series was there the whole time.
The TCW was a network mandate. So was dumping the TCW.
I just started the last season of it yesterday.
Congrats, That last season is the best season of television.
Not the best season of Trek, the best season of any show.
Errr… I still think Babylon 5 Season 4 is the best of television, but you have to have invested in 1-3 first.
I’m gonna say it… feel free to eviscerate me…
Babylon 5 was too melodramatic for me. I hated Vir but by my memory, his and G’Kar’s acting in the final seasons was admittedly a master class. Everyone else was overdoing it, especially Delenn.
I think you mean Londo instead of his assistant, Vir. But yes, Londo and G’Kar were amazing.
The entire arc of those two are simply genius, and some of the best story telling, writing, and acting - full stop. And I’m a Firefly fan, so that’s saying something.
Yeeeessss sorry, it didn’t feel right but my memory is not great and it’s been probably 15 years, so thank you for the assist!
investment kinda goes without saying when it comes to television. The view from halfway down is probably the best single episode of television ever produced but if you’ve never seen any other episode of Bojack it’s … a bunch of talking animals?
But yeah B5 is up there for me too, for sure.
Enterprise is a great series marred by some the worst writing for a female character in the history of science fiction.