Assuming the GoT babies didn’t change their names. Imagine having a name that others yourself from everyone else and it comes from a fake culture in a fake world.
All name are made up. Besides this is nothing new, there’s a lot of media that inspires baby names. I have s friend who’s kids are all named after Inception characters.
Brayden, Brittany. Anything from Game of Thrones.
Ayden, Brayden, Kayden, Bobayden… Can probably generalize this to “unique” spellings like Kayleygh, Kyrsrtyn, etc.
Waiting for Ruth to be popular again. No one makes pies like Ruth.
I sincerely hope those dumbass “unique” spellings go away.
Some of them might become the new normal spelling, just as with so many other names and wyrds
I’m still going to name my kid Aenys
“Hey Anus, how’s it hanging?”
Oh you know, just hanging out
shooting the breeze
They hate us 'cause they anus.
i feel “Reek” has some staying power. never grows old.
Neither will Rickon
Yuuup lol I came here specifically to comment “Khaleesi”
Brittany was big in the 80s, now not so much
Assuming the GoT babies didn’t change their names. Imagine having a name that others yourself from everyone else and it comes from a fake culture in a fake world.
All name are made up. Besides this is nothing new, there’s a lot of media that inspires baby names. I have s friend who’s kids are all named after Inception characters.