I always lose it at “when Im alone I **** myself” lmao they had to know
It took me so long to realize that this is so perfect because whoever did this didn’t just bleep “count” but replaced it with a bleeped “fuck” that kept the start and end sounds.
Picking cotton on a racist field trip is the funniest shit I’ve seen on YouTube. Had a friend just like that in high school. That guy could get us all crying just telling a story.
I second this one, it’s hilarious and the guy is a great storyteller
Duck Army:
This one always make me crack up:
Premise: two stoned college kids poke fun at Alt-J
God this had me crying in stitches the first time I saw it. Classic
The death star canteen skit with Lego stop motion animation which I think captures the emotions and actions well. https://youtu.be/Sv5iEK-IEzw
I will always upvote Eddie Izzard.
Cat friend vs Dog friend
This one always cracks me up, a person sneezes into their horn during a quiet part of the song.
Horn humor lolz. I like this one.
Reminded me of this
Electrical wiring problems https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69yswP-MSvQ
The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger
He doesn’t care, he doesn’t give a shit!
It’s not that funny, but one that always makes me smile is the old classic
Cat I’m a kitty cat And I meow meow meow and I meow meow meow
Funniest I’ve seen anyway.
Baby panda sneeze