ChatGPT and all those LLMs are trained on many normal experiences and upbringings. If you don’t want the conversation saved you could also use it while not logged in. While they can make mistakes, you’ll learn these things sooner.

  • Like the wind...@sh.itjust.worksOP
    16 hours ago

    Talk to the actually loved normal people who view anyone developmentally behind them as subhuman scum?

    Yeah, let me go ask an actual person about boundaries, hygiene, budgeting, consent, manners, and how to spot someone taking advantage of me. Right, I should ask an actual person how to smile as well, that’ll definitely work.

      15 hours ago

      You’ve been spending too much time with AI. You’re starting to hallucinate like one. They only said “people”, not all that extra stuff you just assumed they meant.

      I think a good step one would be to stop assuming “people” means “actually loved normal people who view anyone developmentally behind them as subhuman scum.” It could just mean people. You’re a person. You’re part of “people.”

      There’s a lot of people who were where you are right now, and they struggled and pushed forward and grew into something not normal, but functional. They have a ton of advice they had to learn the hard way. And they are all too eager to give the compassion they were never given. They will teach you.

      • Like the wind...@sh.itjust.worksOP
        15 hours ago

        I’ve spent my whole life being less human than AI and less human than a street rat. “People” has only been used to describe me without saying my name within family and friend groups. “I want to play some games but I don’t want to play with People. What should I tell People to make People go away?” I’m scum trying to come off as a human to make enough money to retire early so I can Just Go Away without making myself a much bigger burden by failing a suicide attempt.

        Most people are normal people whose parents raised them for success and actually spent time with them. Normal people who will feel “loss” when family dies. I still don’t get how it’s anything more than spilled milk. Can’t you just find someone else to replace them? Anyway, they all have the same experiences and views and can relate to each other. I have nothing. I am nothing.

        The people who went through similar experiences will make fun of me for still smelling bad despite how hard I try to be clean, and assume it’s only because I play video games and don’t shower. AI would treat anyone with respect, including me.

        • Dark ArcA
          14 hours ago

          You should go talk to a therapist. I don’t mean that to be mean, but you’re clearly going through some stuff … and that sucks but AI is a false prophet. It might make you feel better but it’s no substitute for actual therapy, actual advice, and an actual support system.

          14 hours ago

          You seriously need to talk to people if you think that’s how people are. There are people with self-worth issues. There are people who don’t mourn their family. There are people who had body odor problems, and learned how to fix them, and will understand what you’re doing wrong and how to fix it with a sympathetic eye.

          AI will respect you exactly as much as a rock will. It won’t. It won’t even know you’re there. There is no such thing as being less human than AI.

          You are a part of people. You can pretend you’re not, but it’s only pretend. You’re better than that.

      14 hours ago

      Boundaries are about respect, and it’s important to remember that there are two sets of boundaries, yours and theirs. They shouldn’t overlap. What are you comfortable with, what are they comfortable with. Don’t test boundaries on strangers, and don’t assume your boundaries are the same as others’. Likewise, communicate when someone else is encroaching on your boundaries. Protect them and advocate for yourself. Nobody else will.

      Shower at least every other day, and anytime you exercise. It’s really common to go nose-blind to your own odor. If you get a whiff of yourself and think maybe you stink, everyone else can smell you all the time. You should bathe. Wash and brush or comb your hair. If you have a beard, wash and comb that, too. Wash your face, behind your ears, your armpits, your genitals, and your feet. Deodorant goes on after the shower to prevent body odor. It does not go on instead of a shower to mask body odor. Brush your teeth at least morning and night, and preferably after every meal. Bathing and scrubbing should not be painful, so if you’re scratching or irritating the skin, see a doctor. You can wash too much/too vigorously/too frequently. ETA: Wash your clothes, too. Jeans might get two or three days of wear, but wear fresh, clean underwear and socks every day. Gym clothes should be washed immediately, and if your shoes begin to smell, some baking soda and a few hours in the warm sun will do wonders.

      Your take home pay is your budget. 50 / 30 / 20. 50% on needs, including housing, insurance, electricity, transportation, food and essentials. 30% on wants, like leisure activities, restaurants, alcohol and drugs, hobbies, etc. 20% should go to savings. If you have an unexpected expense, sacrifice wants first. Your savings should be protected when possible, but if you do have a large expense and need to dip into savings, prioritize replenishing that before you resume your normal hobbies.

      No means no, and unconscious or drunk people cannot consent. Rule of thumb, if someone is unable to stand or speak normally, they are too drunk to make good decisions. Yes is not a permanent free pass, either. This applies whether you are seeking consent or granting it. You can always say no, and you should always accept no.

      Manners are the formal recognition of boundaries. Being polite is how you demonstrate to someone else that you respect them and care about how they feel. Please makes it clear that you understand your request is asking them to provide some level of sacrifice, however small. Thank you demonstrates the gratitude you have for that sacrifice. Wait to eat until everyone has food, eat in a manner that does not disturb or distract other people eating, talk in a volume that does not disturb other people, all of the rules exist for a reason. Empathy, or thinking about how someone else feels in the moment, is the best guideline for good manners.

      How to spot someone taking advantage of you
      Are they being overly accommodating? Are they letting you make every decision? Do they rapidly change moods or set seemingly arbitrary boundaries? An example would be a romantic partner who always treats you to fancy things, but insists on avoiding their hometown or introducing you to people they know. They might be entirely unavailable for long periods of time, and then love-bomb you when they are available. If you question their behavior, they may get overly defensive, angry, and try to gaslight you into thinking you’ve imagined the red flags.

      Trust is a two-way street.

      13 hours ago

      Actually yes you should. I’m gonna take it a bit further and suggest the actual normal person you need to talk to is a therapist. You read as someone who’s got some shit they need unpacked, and AI is not the tool to do that.