• just_another_person@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    This will be the fifth attempt at making a non-awful F4 movie, and I’m not sure this one is going to break the mold. Some reasons why I think it will fail:

    • they’ve chosen to make this a multiverse movie, and I’m pretty sure people are sick of these
    • the timeline is the 60’s, so it shouldn’t overlap with any of the other existing MCU story lines…somehow
    • the introduction of these characters AGAIN without a primer is only going to drive comic book folks to see it
    • they’ve already introduced some of these characters in modern MCU movies to weak reception (albeit potentially different timelines)
    • this is almost certainly a vehicle to reintroduce RDJ as a hero…somehow

    Some Pros I see though:

    • Malkovich, Paul Walter Hauser, and Natasha Lyonne are unknown characters as of now
    • this looks to try and separate itself from the Avengers timeline
    • New timeline, great style, good cinematic look
    • Galactus, which means Silver Surfer
  • Nutteman@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    How many times to we have to teach you this lesson, old man?? For real tho, actually looks halfway decent.