Why don’t more companies do what Steam did with Steam Deck or Evga used to do of putting people in a queue so they can buy without having to fight scalpers at brick and motor stores or bots online?
It has been the best system I’ve experienced, since whether it takes days, weeks, or months I know that when my time comes I can buy my product without having to beat out other people.
Because at the end of the day it’s not worth it for the company, they don’t have enough reputation loss out of not having the product available to Warrant the effort to put the system like that. They’re not losing any money because the scalpers are still buying, Plus for some reason users aren’t putting two and two together that if they didn’t buy the scalpers products the scalpers would stop scalping and therefore the cycle just continues
If people would just stop buying cards at or above MSRP from third-party sellers, this problem would have been done away with 5 years ago
Well technically yes it will works as long as peoples on internet doesn’t have multiple ID or bunch hired person to do it.
Scalpers doesn’t exist if we not create situation that demanding something at extreme level like some people ready to sell it soul for something weird. We learn this when COVID19 still a thing, everyone hoarding hand sanitizer, mask, & toilet papers like bunch of monkeys because PANIC.
The real questions why people panic buy a GPU like there’s no other day to get it ? Are they just follow hypetrain or something ? and why GPU corporation make scarce of their product that will sell so well ?
CMIIW i believe consumer GPU never been so scarce before 2018 ishThing is even if people are in queue with the intention of scalping with multiple IDs or whatever the nice part of a queue system is that all you have to do is wait for your queue to come up.
When I put in my queue for evga and steam deck I just forgot about it until my time came up months later. Didn’t have to keep refreshing or wait in line or care about stock.
That’s the beauty of queue for people who care less about getting it immediately but that they can guarantee themselves one without having to actively search the product out.
Yeah. I buy nothing from Nvidia anymore.
I explicitly moved off my one foray into Nvidia-land, went AMD due to better Linux support, but I have to say that I’m pretty sure that AMD still doesn’t have transformers support. Most of the LLM software I’ve used doesn’t require it, but some does, like tortoise-tts.
If I expected to be doing a bunch of LLM work with it, I’d probably be careful to make sure that whatever I intend to use will run on AMD hardware.
I was in the fray for a 3000 during 2020 for cyberpunk. Glad to see they haven’t changed anything on the storefronts. Newegg, best buy, Nvidia, none of them cared to fix anything. They got their money, what do they care.
I’m not a day one persona anymore. Hell there aren’t any games out right now that I want those sick graphics for. More than happy to wait.
They saw what scalpers did to ticket prices and decided to implement the same strategy. The problem is not scalpers, it’s easy credit, regards with too easy access to money and purposeful low production to move the scale towards veblen goods.
But how are you going to play The Sims?
Same for me. I wanted to upgrade from 3070 to 5080, but missed it. I was too afraid to wait for the 5070 TI release, so I instead bought one of the last 4070 Ti Super at MSRP.
I will stop trying to upgrade on day one. Just buy the previous gen a few months before the new one, and it will be perfectly fine.
I do not understand how such practice is still legal. No one care, and it is a plague in more and more fields (I really hope Nintendo will produce enough machines to avoid the PS5 launch fiasco which lasted 2 years).
I’m not playing some fucking game and signing up for a discord server I don’t give a rats ass about to MAYBE get a change to ‘win?’ a chance to buy an overpriced shitty card. Nvidia is dead now
A raffle for US residents to have the privilege of buying a graphics card? Yeah that will solve the problem lol
10 US residents even.
Maybe I would do this if it wasn’t for ZOTAC and it did not demand I join a Discord server.
In my opinion they should have moved the entire series that way, that or implemented account based registration like the steam deck did, it’s better than nothing tho