I’ll go
- I’m not alone.
- Trump:
Declares martial law
Has defied court orders
Has committed violence against government officials
Dissolved all other branches of government
There is probably more but these are ones that come to mind.
Deleted my responses. I asked for honest opinions. I’m not here to call balls and strikes.
When republicans realize the massive fuck up they created and join the protest as well. Otherwise no protest will matter. You’d need a Luigi miracle realistically
Luigi didn’t solve anything. He’s barely ever mentioned anymore. All he did was empower corporations to become more corrupt.
You think him not being mentioned is a coincidence? I think it’s mainstream media doing damage control to reel in their prior reporting. Since he was at large for a while his face and later his name was EVERYWHERE. In cases of mass shootings the shooter is almost never mentioned or named anymore. There’s a reason for that
Media plays a big part in encouraging copycats looking for their weeks of infamy. In the past it used to be serial killers, then years ago it was mass shootings, and thanks to the instant stardom they gave Luigi the near future could very well be more assassinations.
Right or wrong his success was demonstrating that being rich doesn’t mean someone is untouchable.
His plea was entered just the other day