• Dark ArcA
    1 year ago

    I don’t think you deserve the down votes. However, the actions of many Republican reps correspond to direct negative impacts on non-white voters. Is that racism? Eh maybe not, Democrats are the favored party in those groups so attacking your opposition means attacking those groups, and it’s politics after all… but let’s explore.

    The best recent example of that I can think of is the recent “election reform” measures. These measures have never been proven to be justified once in a courtroom. They typically target heavily urban metro areas and people living an urban life. They do this two ways primarily, first they reduce opportunity for voting by doing things like restricting the number of ballot drop boxes, reducing early voting days, and eliminating mail in voting (which results in congestion that takes folks much longer to get through the polls). The second thing they do is they add restrictions that are much easier to fill in suburban or rural life vs urban life, things like drivers licenses aren’t as common in these areas (because they don’t need to drive).

    You can say none of that is racist, but it disproportionately affects non-white voters by targeting a class dominated by non-white voters: poor urbanites.

    It’s the same idea behind things like the “Muslim ban”, the text doesn’t say “Muslim” but the effect is “Muslim” (in this particular case Trump said the quiet part out loud because he had before hand said he wanted a Muslim ban).

    It would be one thing if there was actual data suggesting that people coming from these “Muslim countries” were well above the normal risk or if there really was voter fraud that held up in court. As it stands today though, that isn’t the case.

    It’s a kind of “underhanded” racism that maintains some plausible deniability that invites a fair number of genuine racist into the party that yearn for the old days where white guys ran everything and non-whites were second class citizens that were “separate but equal.” This is why the American Nazi party saw “real potential” with Trump.

    The fact that y’all didn’t shut these nonsensical policies down is why a large portion of Democrats (and people internationally) see the Republican party and its voters as acting with a racial bias/racist.