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Bonus points if it has a good story. Also, I’m not going to play DRM-controlled games
Just got Robocop and Wolfenstein New Order on a decent sale on GOG, loving Wolfenstein so far…
Love Left 4 Dead 2, timeless classic.
Halo 1, 2, 3 & Reach
Borderlands Borderlands 2
- all the DLC’s.
Then if you’re still interested, Borderlands Pre-sequel
And if you find yourself really into the series, Borderlands 3
Does portal 2 coop count? Technically it’s a FPS
Ghost Recon Wildlands is one of the best. Not sure about the DRM situation.
I also reccomend deep rock galactic, the devs are very involved in the community. The community is (mostly) amazing. There isn’t much story and it is completely hidden in the in game encyclopedia and the wiki. No drm (apart from steam) and lots of content and depth that keeps you hooked once you make it to your first promotion.
Already played 500h+ of DRG with close friends that don’t live close by.
Great game to have fun, talk, but also challenging if you want it to be.
Can’t recommend it enough!
If you want no DRM, you are basically only going to get your games from GOG.
Left 4 Dead 2 has a split-screen mod.
Vermintide 2.
Deep Rock Galactic.
FarCry (I think all of them? It’s been forever since I played 1-3 tho; the newest ones all have co-op)
Suggestions for local couch coop anyone?
Halo is my top pick, the first three have great stories and couch co-op if you need that, and if you get the master chief collection (halo mcc), the multiplayer is great and you can find tons of forge mode maps created by people, from race modes to mini golf haha
Gears of war is also fantastic, epic story, fun gameplay, and who doesn’t love a chainsaw bayonet lol
Deep rock galactic is another really fun one, I can’t say there’s too deep of a story too it, but it’s endlessly repayable with all the combinations of weapons and procedurally generated missions.
Oh gears, amazing co-op! Great cover system and a chainsaw on a gun. Phenomenal!
Helldivers 2 is fantastic fun and I still play it weekly, even though I’m max level with everything unlocked.
Technically not a FPS though
And has mandatory online anyway, so that would be DRM.
True, but you can go first person for ADS.
Halo 1 and 2
But not 3, Reach or ODST?
When I was a kid I had a blast playing Time Splitters: Future Perfect on my friend’s PS2. Such a fun game, with a great co-op story mode.
It’s got to be one of the best co-op games ever made IMO. Also a ton of fun to be had with the arcade modes.
Call of Duty 3, World at War, Black Ops 1, Modern Warfare 3, and Black Ops 3 all have local split screen Co-op as an option