For me, personally, It would be Snatch. It’s such a great movie that I could watch again and again. So many interesting characters and a unique style that sets it apart from so many other movies. There’s just that extra something in that movie
What about you, fellow Lemmites? What is your favourite movie?
The Princess Bride. It has great comedy, action, and romance. It’s influenced my sense of humor and it’s just so much fun.
I watched that with my girlfriend who had never seen it. After hyping it up I had a real “just wait it gets funny” feeling the whole time. Not as good as I remember.
I’ve definitely watched it recently and still enjoy it just as much. But also, your sense of humor can change over time so it probably just doesn’t fit what you like anymore.
I showed it to my fiance and while I ADORED the rewatch he was very meh and I was questioning him as a person. Then one day he asked me to watch it again so he could watch Andre the Giant again. And then, I’m convinced, it spoke to him and showed him the magic. He loved it. Quoted it. And will watch it with me when I have it on.
I really think mindset and willingness to dive into it is a necessity.
God, what a beautiful movie.
I have a theory that movie is only funny if you grew up watching it. I saw it for the first time in my late 20s and just could not get into it. I’m sure I have favorites like that, too, and maybe I wasn’t in the perfect mood at the time.
Sounds interesting, but I need to know if this is a kissing book.
I’ve been listening to Cary Elwes’ book “As You Wish” on audiobook. I haven’t finished it yet, but i’m loving it so far.
Absolutely agree. Have really enjoyed passing it on to my two girls as well.
Yes, and now to my grandchildren!
i literally watched this because of this comment. great movie.
The cinematic masterpiece form 1999 starring Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz “The Mummy”
He was handsome, she was hot, great story, action, comedy and a great villain. Classic action/adventure/comedy mix.
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My favorite is The Fifth Element. Love it. Another great movie is The Apartment with Jack Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine
Peter Jackson’s Lord of the rings fellowship, two towers, and return of the king extended editions.
Snatch is outstanding. The scene with a replica gun vs deagle, the robbery by noob thugs… I laugh even at my memories of them.
But I’ll take Shawn of the Dead. Cool direction and awesome cast making a great apocalyptic comedy movie. It’s humor may be too dry for some, but if you are into this kind of jokes (is it brittish humor?), it’d blow you away. Watching it with my buddy back then made some of it’s gags into our convos.
It would have to be Back to the Future. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve rewatched those movies. I also just saw the broadway musical version of it as well. If I had to choose between the three, then it would have to be the second one. There is so much iconic imagery from those movies, and I loved getting to see parts of the first from from different POVs. It has a great mix of many things that people can enjoy.
A toss up between Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away, or Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
Spirited away is a fantastic movie.
And so is Eternal Sunshine, but in a totally different way.
Oh man. Eternal Sunshine is so good but so exhausting. I love it but sometimes i just don’t have the energy to watch it.
That’s why it can’t be my only favorite, it’s definitely not a “throw this on whenever and enjoy” it’s a very particular mood, but it’s executed extremely well
My wife and I have been working our way through Studio Ghibli movies for the first time. So far we have seen Howl’s Moving Castle, Spirited Away, and Kiki’s Delivery service. Thoroughly enjoyed them all, but i’d say Spirited Away was me least favorite so far.
Not sure exactly why, but I feel like all 3 of them could have benefitted from some extra runtime. Parts just feel rushed to me. Or maybe I just don’t want them to end. Lol
Spirited away is so good <3
Hot take: I don’t “get” Spirited Away. Like I appreciate the art and animation, but the story and characters are a confusing mess to me. I’ve heard the explanation of “it’s a critique of Japanese society”, and looking back on it I can see the symbolism, but if you need additional context for the story to make sense, then I don’t think it’s a very good movie, at least I don’t think it deserves universal acclaim if it only makes sense to one specific culture.
I found it relatively easy to understand the basic motivations of the characters without getting into metaphor, what about the characters confuses you specifically?
Hot Fuzz. I think to me it’s a perfect movie. So much great build up, very funny. Just so good.
In Bruges.
12 angry men
I’m going to admit to some movie watcher crimes, i haven’t seen any of the godfather movies or the older classics like clockwork orange. However, of the movies I’ve seen it’s gotta be Shawshank Redemption for me. Beautiful movie everything about it hits so well.
No list of movies is complete without someone mentioning it.
And that’s the way it should be.
The Big Lebowski.
I lie to people about how many times I’ve seen it because I don’t want them to think I’m crazy (if you though about a number, it’s more than that).
Every line of dialogue is simply a masterpiece.Yeah well, that’s just like, your opinion man.
You may appreciate !
Tremors. It’s just pretty much flawless.
It’s a tough call between Fight Club and the Matrix. But id have to give it to the Matrix. That was groundbreaking and it still holds up.
Aliens. Ripley and Vasquez are some of the best female action characters (with the alien queen coming in a distant third). The corporate claptrap from Burke and the setup of the mission is solid 80s cyberpunk. Every character has a great arc (except Burke - fuck that guy). Effects are amazing. The soundtrack is perfect.
It’s an incredible action movie.