• Flying Squid@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    I can buy any cryptocoin sitting on my couch at nearly 0% fees

    Cool. How can you buy a soda at the gas station with it?

    The (current) lack of it is the only reason it’s such a pain to get into.

    Maybe, again, if there weren’t a bajillion different cryptocurrencies that almost no one even understands how to use, there would be mass adoption. I have no idea why you expect mass adoption of something so confusing to happen first and then it gets less confusing. That’s not how anything works.

    • BobGnarley@lemm.ee
      7 months ago

      You can use Coinbase or another similar intermediary to convert it to fiat instantly by using the card that comes with those services but still converting it to fiat isn’t quite the same as using DOGE coin or the like to buy groceries and I do hear you on that. However , man personally I have made thousands off of crypto. I do like some projects for their utility like Monero and Litecoin but a large percentage of so called “alt” coins and stuff like that don’t have any real utility beyond pumping so that’s true and I feel like a lot of what makes crypto seem like a waste of time to people. But certain coins have real inherent value and use cases that are beyond what people like me and you probably need. Those use cases are still important to the people who need them though. El Salvador is a good example everyone shit all over that dude for doing mass adoption of bitcoinand for ainute there it did seem like a rough idea but it worked out. I guess that’s the thing though everyone who has been in it from the beginning its because it keeps working out. Otherwise, everyone would be out of it and venture capitalist companies wouldn’t be buying in the billions. I mean, would you listen to people of they told you something you were up like 700% on was a bad investment?

      • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        personally I have made thousands off of crypto

        And plenty of other people have lost their shirts. This is gambling on tulips.

        • BobGnarley@lemm.ee
          7 months ago

          I knew a dude back in '07 who was real into stocks. Always trying to get me into it and always about it. Checking charts all the time. He ended up losing real bad and killed himself. What is your opinion on stocks?

          • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            My opinion is that I’m not a gambler and my goal in life is not to attain as much material wealth as possible.

            • BobGnarley@lemm.ee
              7 months ago

              But stocks are a respectable trade and Crypto isn’t? I noticed you said people who make money on crypto are assholes, do you feel the same way for stockholders? Its just interesting that something you don’t like affects every aspect of your life (stocks, and the influence they have on bigger businesses to flourish and add value to our economy). Imagine your world without stocks. That new phone and computer probably wouldn’t be here, as a small example. Stocks are no different than Bitcoin other than one isn’t connected to a country. But saying neither have value isn’t telling the truth.

              • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
                7 months ago

                But stocks are a respectable trade and Crypto isn’t?

                Please quote me saying that.

                do you feel the same way for stockholders?

                People who have their 401ks invested for them? No. People who play the stock market to get rich? Yes.

                I have nothing but contempt for people whose goal it is to increase their material wealth through gambling. Especially the sort of gambling that will likely never really pay off unless you had plenty of wealth to begin with.

                Material wealth as a goal is bad enough to begin with. Rich people making themselves richer by gambling their money on things like the stock market and cryptocurrency are not people I respect.

                • BobGnarley@lemm.ee
                  7 months ago

                  The products you consume and use on a daily basis (the proprietary chips in your phone and computer for example) only exist because they made money for shareholders. In other words if those rich people weren’t making money on the stocks, the need for innovation would have never been to the point it is at now. And as far as the quote goes that was a question but I can quote where you said that dude avoided “being an asshole” for not making money in something you didn’t like (bitcoin). Are you aware that business and free trade as a whole would be completely different without that same market that you hate? Why then call people assholes for investing in things? The venom just doesnt make sense. Also investing your 401K means requiring the services of these same rich folks you are against making money. Just doesn’t make sense.

    • Syn_Attck@lemmy.today
      7 months ago

      Cool. How can you buy a soda at the gas station with it?

      I can’t yet unless I go to a couple smaller foreign mom and pop shops, lack of mass adoption.

      Maybe, again, if there weren’t a bajillion different cryptocurrencies that almost no one even understands how to use, there would be mass adoption. I have no idea why you expect mass adoption of something so confusing to happen first and then it gets less confusing. That’s not how anything works.

      A few are dominant already, one that’s been dominant from the start but isn’t the best yet although is improving. Do you worry about the value and exchange rates of every single mineral and resource, of which there are a bajillion? Or do you just follow maybe gold and silver, or do you only follow fiat, and not even invest it?

      Edit: Since you down voted all of my discussion, I returned the favor.