We painted this room. Still need to get up the stairs. Had to scrape a lot of paint and wallpaper off.
Here’s the before.
Good choice. Your version is much better.
I can see why the original owners went with yellow to brighten the room bit personally I love dark blue in that style of home
WOW. This is such a nice job!. I really like the combination of blue and wooden brown. And the plants too. It feels like a high-fantasy book!
Yeah, we were thinking of doing something with the wood, but the blue just makes the wood look better. An unexpected, but appreciated, side effect.
This is a wonderful of color blue
Yeah. I really like it over the Chi-Chi’s yellow.
In the Navy was the name, it’s a Sherwin Williams color, but Home Depot matches anything.
We are looking to redo a lot of our house. I’m going to have to save this color. Thank you. We also have a lot of wood.
Wow. How old is your home if I may ask?
Funny thing. When we bought the house, they got the city records to see how old it was, and they said it was always just kind of here. So we might be pushing over 200 years? I hate to make any claims though. It used to be a dairy farm before the city built in around it, and lived in and updated many times in between.
the wooden trims here look beautiful
Love the Turkish lights. Have a few in our home and they are wonderful.
Really nice pick of color you have. 3 years ago when we moved, I insisted on the same color for one floor while the other had some similarly-dark off-white, around similarly wooden furnishings.
The dark tone of the blue can be noticeable in cloudy weather and winter light, but never regretted the tone.
Recently finished this corset:
That’s fucking cool!
Thanks! I’ve put at least 25h into it
Nice. Clearly not your first clothing item. Do you plan to wear it or sell it?
I’m a performer, this is part of my Tomie inspired sideshow outfit
Painting in progress:
I like it. Is there a message your going for, or is it just a pure abstract?
Thanks. It’s an abstract based on a photo someone took of their water bottle Iid. I just thought it looked really cool.
I am trying to restore a typing machine. Unfortunately I have forgotten to make a picture from the front when it was still in one piece.
How long will it take to restore?
Not really sure, but right now I think that everything would be working if I deep clean it and give it some oil. Oh and some minor replacements like the orange and black strip that carried the ink definitely needs to be replaced.
Super cool. I love the tacking sound they make while typing :)
Knitting a pair of socks for my spouse.
It’s from a single skein of yarn that goes from light gray to gray to black. I split the skein up so both socks would end up being the same gray on the leg part, but it’s taking longer to get to the gray than I’d planned so they may have a pair of mismatched socks.
Edit: I can’t html tonight
I too have been on a sock knitting kick! I’m just starting out learning so I haven’t tried knitting two at the same time.
It’s the only way I’ve ever done socks. I admire people who have the willpower/drive to make a 2nd sock after the first one’s completely done, I know I’d just have a bunch of single socks.
Good luck with your socks! They’re one of my favorite things to knit.
I very recently started making my own headphones. It turns out you can just buy headphone parts, so I ordered some AKG drivers, Grado headband and gimbal rings, brainwavs pads, and a few other parts. Still waiting on some parts but I’ve CAD’ed up some of the cans and the pad adapters, hopefully going to print some later tonight. My Lemmy app is kinda shitty and I’ve never been able to upload pics in comments but I’ll try and add them when I’m at my computer later. I’m making them somewhat modular so I can try out different combinations of drivers, pads, and can geometry. Initially all the structure will be 3D printed but later I might mill out some nice hardwood once I find a design that I like.
Here are some of the parts I have so far. The part I’m printing now is highlighted in orange. I’m going to pause the print, insert a steel mesh, and keep printing, hopefully embedding the mesh in the pad adapter.
It’s like you’re building headphone chimeras. I didn’t realize you could just buy brand parts like that!
Been calling them Frankenphones but I like chimeras a bit better. Chimeraphones?
Which app are you using ? And you should switch to another one.
Switch to a foss one . I use jerboa and has no prob uploading images .
I’ll check that out. I ended up uploading some pics from my desktop.
Okay, so not “in progress”, but here’s my last keyboard. Used lots of tools available to the keyboard community, but I laser cut the plate that holds the switches (and the one for the bottom, but that was no big deal), designed and 3D printed the side case, hand-wired the keys’ matrix, configured the keyboard software for the Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller, and used infusible ink and the laser to turn blank keycaps into custom ones.
Which switches did you use? I like the case design too, it’s refreshing to not see your standard boxy keyboard.
Box Jades, which I like quite a bit, but they have already proven to me that they’re only about 90% as awesome as Box Navies. Haven’t tried Zeal Clickiez or any of the more exotic MX, and it’s been decades since I used a buckling spring, but man I love a good heavy clicky switch.
Well, yes, I do work from home. Why do you ask?
As for the shape, the goal on this was no stabilizers, meaning no key could be more than 1.75u wide, and even among those I didn’t want to have buy anything beyond a single full size board’s worth of blank XDA. It was a challenge getting a layout with any symmetry, but I got close, and if I were starting over the only change would probably be something around L-Shift and the backspace and the delete key where Numlock usually is.
Okay, I cheated a bit, as I think it had like 3 or 4 more 1u keys than a 104-key board, but who doesn’t have a few spare 1u lying around?
beautifully done buddy
Thanks! I see every flaw, and in particular the color of the keycap legends isn’t what I’d hoped, but it’s been a really good keyboard so far. I’ve been mostly using my own home-builts for work and my home desktop for a few months now.
I just finished installing an air horn on my truck. Certainly louder which was my goal, but it’s higher pitched than I was expecting. Not sure how I feel about it yet. Still have the OEM horn to replace if it’s annoying.
I know a guy that put one of these on his 2003 Smart ForTwo.
Just be aware that if it sounds like a semi and there isn’t one around it’s super confusing for the other drivers.
I reckon that’s the idea.
Not great from a safety POV.
Have you met truck bros?
I’m thinking of doing this to my car.
I couldn’t possibly advise watching this video for ideas…
Same with the airzound that you can fit to bicycles - I keep wondering about filling it with a heavier gas, but the answer is probably that it just needs to have a longer bell section.
I’m developing a videogame where you have to grow to become the largest organism on you planet, as a colony of trees. Inspired by Pando on earth. I work part time and alone, so it’s slow going. Full release planned in 3y.
I built this web page because the range estimator in the F150 Lightning is dog shit. I keep adding little features here and there. Really would help any EV specifically Teslas since we know their range estimate is terrible too, but I drive a Lightning so it’s biased towards it. I have one more feature I intend to add then I’m going to start learning how to turn it into mobile apps.
I’m very slowly making a Rain World mod. It’s supposed to be a recreation of planet Zebes from Super Metroid and Zero Mission.
I’m 3D printing and painting new models for our Frosthaven games. Here’s a picture of the last game we played
And for context, this is what that scenario looks like without my deluxificarion:
So I’ve been trying to learn Spanish and Chinese recently, and as a programmer, I’ve also been making a few tools to help me with it! Right now, the first works, and the second is…. well it kinda works, but it’s more in-progress
1. Emoji Flashcards - http://flashcards.bpev.me
Generates Emoji-Audio-Text flashcards with audio in a bunch of languages (meant to be used with Anki). The idea is that it’s better to avoid using your native tongue when learning a language, so use common visual images (Also, please help fix my translations 😂)! But my friend just vetted the Japanese deck, and I’ve been updating the Mexican Spanish deck as I go, so maybe those ones are pretty okay right now.
2. Multireader - https://github.com/bpevs/multireader
For reading e-books with select-to-translate, so I can read a book in another language, and highlight when I don’t know a word. I want to make it create flashcards from the words I highlight.
Writing on the proposal for my phd. Unfortunately not really anything I could show at this point.
Can you share the area of study?
Selection bias for clinical trials in the medical industry.
“The effect of Writers Block on PHD proposals.”
I’m currently trying to start an online business selling puzzles. It’s taking up my every waking second I’m not spending with my daughter.
Starting a business is exhausting…
FYI the first image on your page says “Boadlore”
The puzzles are really pretty, hope you are successful
That is very embarrassing, thank you for pointing it out!
No worries, it happens
Whoa those space ones are really cool!
Thank you! I really enjoyed making those ones in particular!
I recently got back into puzzles; you have some really great ones!
That’s awesome! My wife and I got into Puzzles during the pandemic so I started designing puzzles I wanted to spend time putting together.
I would love some feedback if there are any I particular you enjoyed!