Not to mention, there is a fetish for that. So now they made it worse
Again. This bill was introduced last year, by the same person, and it died at the time because of some grassroots actions. Now, the wording is slightly different (so it can be introduced again as a “different” bill), and it’s being tried again.
Well yes, but also no.
The term pupil is used to describe an area that exists inside a three dimensional space, the eye, and while that space may not have anything that reflects light, it does contain something. The surface of the eye, known as the lens, and the liquid or ‘jelly’ that is contained inside the eye. So that area that is light reflective material would include the whites and the iris, but the inside of the eye is not just empty space. If it was, your eye would collapse like an uninflated beach ball, and you wouldn’t see very much at all. Arguably the term pupil is used to refer to the non-reflective area of the eye bordered by the iris and containing the lens.
Thomas the Tank engine with George Carlin standup voiceover remix. Funniest shit I’ve heard in a long time.
Plainsong - Horizon Forbidden West
Agrarian society built after the major extinction event and with no need or desire for capitalism? Yes please.
The San Francisco medical examiner's office determined his death to be suicide and police found no evidence of foul play.
Does anyone else find it statistically significant how often whistle blowers commit suicide within a few days of releasing information or making a statement?
Oh sweet, man-made horror beyond my compression
This is plainly insane.
The Flying Spaghetti Monster has decreed to me that VPN use is totally cool and his worshipers should feel ok using them. 🍝
Not all home internet is unlimited. In many US rural areas, home internet connections have a monthly cap just like mobile networks do. A higher cap costs more, if it’s available at all.
This hits like a cyberpunk dystopia
Any kind of surge pricing
by for profit companies providing basic needsshould be illegal full stop
Fixed that for you
Read Era is technically free, but I paid for premium years ago and have never regretted it. I can open any kind of uncorrupted book file, from the Amazon reader format to PDF to epub, and everything else I’ve ever come across. It has a great search function, and the ability to file a book into a custom ‘Collection’. You can edit the details of a book, like adding Author or pusblisher info, add your own personal notes to a page or highlighted quote, see an aggregate of all your highlights in a particular file, and adjust the font, background color, and contrast to your hearts content.
I make my whole family use it now, cause I love it so much and Premium works on Family share.
Also expect some stringing, a little bit during printing is ok. Use a heat gun if you have one, or a blow dryer can work well as a replacement. The heat causes the thin strings to contact and they practically disappear as you watch. It’s pretty fun to do, and satisfying.
You know I still don’t understand the issue people have with this. Every bathroom I’ve been in either has stalls to use with urinals on the side and dividers between those for some privacy, or is only designed for one person at a time anyway. I can’t imagine having any issue with anyone of any gender in those types of bathroom, unless they where being clear creeps and trying to press an eye to a gap in a divide or something. Which isn’t solved by limiting the genders who can enter, it’s solved by building better dividers and not leaving gaps.
This isn’t Rome my dude, we’re not all sitting in one room and having a face to face while we clart.
Id love to know how you got the first layer to stick, I couldn’t get my Cr-30 to print anything more then spaghetti.