• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Absolute maidenless behavior.

    Seriously tho, it’s really stupid. Not every game is meant to be enjoyed by every gamer, just like how not every book will not be enjoyed by every reader. If the devs are fine with excluding a potential group of audience members by making their game very difficult, then they should be allowed to do that. Unfortunately, I get that it sucks for the people that don’t have the time or skills to ‘git gud’ at a game like Elden Ring and they may feel like they wasted their money on it. However, it’s not like you can demand a refund at the movie theater because a movie you saw was confusing, not funny, or just not something you like.

    This is definitely just my opinion, but to me it seems like Elden Ring and Dark Souls 3 were both popular enough that most people that play video games should know FromSoftware’s reputation for making very difficult games. If you haven’t played one of their games before, you should know that it’s a gamble as to weather you can even finish the game. But, my view on this might be pretty skewed as most people I talk to play a lot of video games

  • Been playing through Tunic. It’s an adventure game that has a similar art style to the Link’s Awakening remake, but you play as a fox. The game has an in game manual that you find the pages to and it’s written in a different language that gets translated as you play. So you run into situations where you had the ability to interact with something from the beginning of the game, but you just didn’t know until you find the manual page much later on. It also borrows the bonfire mechanic from the Souls games, resting refills healing potions and respawns enemies.

    This game was meant to be a chill relaxed thing to do before I hop back into Elden Ring for the new dlc, but it has been kicking my ass more than I expected.

  • Just in case you are still curious, and I don’t see any actual answers here. The download provided is all the code for the game engine and everything else that would be going on in the background of the game. Anything that could be copyrighted by Nintendo (things like character and object models, textures, music, and environments) need to come from a totally legit dump from an official Nintendo cartridge and definitely not any ol’ .rom file you can download online

  • Got a mix of some metal, some rap, and some… EDM I guess? Have it all on a playlist on Spotify and I haven’t really posted links in the comments before on Lemmy, but here’s some of my favorites:

    Cyberpsychosis by Rixat

    GIRL HELL 1999 by Femtanyl

    Willpower by Mohmega

    Credits Song For My Death But I’m The Final Boss by Astron

    Lovely Bastards Remix by Kordhell

    Eternal Loneliness by Alex Norre

    SleeperMKUltra4 by AgonyOST

    Shinebox by CrazyEightyEight

    Inlove by Sewerslvt

    Vaudeville Villain by Viktor Vaughn (MF DOOM)

    All I Want by A Day To Remember

    Satin Black by IAmJakeHill

    2019 by Bazanji