• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • That’s not true. Groups of people can work towards specific goals in a constrained framework and still work creatively within that. Take movies and TV, animation, architecture, music etc. All of these may have hundreds or thousands of people working together and individually behind the scenes. Would you say that therefore they’re not creative or relied on creativity to work?

    I know people say that limits kill creativity but I’d say in many cases its the opposite. Limits cause people to think creatively to build something interesting within those bounds.

    Not to say thats the rule. Sure, hive mentality and groupthink can kill creativity but its not the case for everything, far from it.

  • Small town for sure. I love the outdoors, I love the quiet life, I love the community cohesion, I love pretty little houses and cottages and I love animals. I adore hills and crags and mountains and valleys.

    The city itself isn’t really my scene. I don’t like cars, I don’t like shopping centres, I don’t like big flashing lights, and loud noises, and I don’t like sirens or clubs. I especially don’t like loud cars and pollution.

    I live in a city now and I just miss the colour green and ponds and lakes and people that smile and say hello. I realise the country isnt perfect and there’s still things I’d miss about the city but by far I’d rather live out there than the middle of a city.