Yes, but it only works when you put it while naked
Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor
Yes, but it only works when you put it while naked
The real irony is that OpenMW is a better engine than anything bethesda managed to come up with in the past 20 years.
Sounds like roblox stage capitalism. Or slave owner mindset, I guess? Buy 2 slaves, force them to breed nonstop for extra slaves, profit
Their refund tends to work well, even if the seller tries to convince you to send the piece of shit back to them. Just say “seller will use the item to fraud another customer” when refusing to send it back (if it was an obvious fake thing, like “8tb pendrive”). Ali will almost always side with you
I’d like ALL game advertising to be composed of at least 50% actual in game screenshots or or videos, but that would actually be consequential and good
For inconsequential, remove stupid-proofing from certain products, like “warning: contains eggs” in egg cartons
Decentralized governments: already a reality in most places, with a clear hierarchy (federal, state/province, city). Local communities aren’t always formed, but can coexist
Decentralized power sources: kinda there already? The thing is that it makes more sense economically to have a small number of big power plants than spread then thinly, especially due to industry needs that can be much larger than what residential lines typically transmit
Decentralized market: I mean, open fairs and small, corner markets are still a thing, no? Or what kind of market do you mean?
Decentralized currency: crypto kinda does that? There’s no central authority issuing whatever-coins. In more real-life terms, decentralized currency is deeply tied to local economy and you can look at history for how something like that used to work: small kingdoms almost always wanted to mint their own coins, then whenever conducting trade with external markets, some exchange rates would be set based on supply/demand.
The migration that happened from xitter being blocked in Brazil is a good example of a bandwagon effect, or “people go where people are”. If xitter wasn’t taken down, neither bluesky nor threads would’ve received such a big and immediate influx.
Also worth noting is that the vast majority went for those 2, bluesky more so than threads, instead of any mastodon instance because those 2 are the mainstream alternatives
Maybe you should try a more chaotic approach to solving the crimes in that game, like Josh does in this video
How do we get “normies” to adopt the Fediverse?
We don’t. Normies take one look at anything that isn’t mainstream and pinch their noses. A significant portion of them can barely make a search on the internet, they get lost at the idea of “websites” and are likely heavily biased against people who aren’t using what “everyone is using”
Anedoctal experience: back when I was using dating apps, I’ve had a fair share of girls that stopped talking to me once I said I didn’t have instagram, because it meant I was “hiding something”.
Something something history repeats itself as farce or something
For context: Intel was founded by people who thought Fairchild Semiconductors wasn’t receiving the necessary funding or respect from the owning company.
I remember reading some time ago that “the idea (of phones listening to everything you say to serve ads) makes no economic sense, because it’d be too expensive to run”
Looks like it actually isn’t “too expensive” to run in the end.
Mastodon works more like twitter, several microblog posts that you only see if you search or check:
Meanwhile, lemmy works more like reddit, easier to find “specific content”, with posts neatly separated by community/instance and easier to find/search/interact with in the future. It’s less about individuals and more about communities
I think mastodon only interacts with lemmy as comments on existing posts, though there’s probably a way to post to a community from a mastodon client/site
Not enough crossed L’s or áććéńtś to be polish
So, e-mail’s actually literally xkcd 927. Fucking hell
That or the realization “Ah”, as in: “AAAAh, so that’s what <sequence of bad adjectives>
looks like”
From what I heard from a friend that’s pissed at losing access to xitter and begrudgingly made an account on bluesky, it doesn’t have trending topics yet, “How am I supposed to know what’s going on in the world?”
Lua and Elixir 😙👌
As a brazilian, I’m now deeply offended that the ISO does not recognize brazilion as a valid amount