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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • My read on what he and others were concerned about was that DA Origins introduced an aesthetic of low fantasy, dark and medieval themes. Many felt, including him, that the new characters felt like very generic MOBA-style designs that didn’t feel particularly at home in the DA world they hoped to see. Since some channels have gotten to play the game now the outlook seems to be changing with some creators saying the trailers and released material did a poor job of showing the overall art direction. Also, it seems fun, that helps. Keep in mind, a healthy concern over Bioware is very warranted these days.

  • People seem to still be struggling with the Israeli strategy. Like many previous genocides, including the Holocaust, which the term originates from, hunger is a primary weapon. The Ukrainian holodomir, the Irish potato famine, the Armenian genocide, the goal is to save ammunition and simply remove the infrastructure of life from the target group. Israeli attacks have destroyed the water, power, administrative, and health care of the population. The issue now is that while the people are dying, international aid is mitigating the effectiveness of destroying infrastructure. A strike like this is so blatantly targeted because it’s a signal. With 3 weapons they have shut down a channel that could provide critical nutrition to tens of thousands of borderline surviving Palestinian people every day. It’s meant to have a chilling effect on relief efforts. Combined with the slow border checks, the political efforts to defund UN relief agencies, it helps accelerate the goal of removing the population from Gaza. It’s not an accident, earlier strikes on UN relief warehouses and personnel weren’t accidents, and the killing of around 100 journalists and many of their families weren’t accidents. They’re messages, get out of the way.

  • That’s the whole problem, Epic hasn’t approached the situation with the intention of being good faith competition. They have instead attempted to exclude competition by paying for platform exclusivity. That’s anti-consumer. As a consumer that annoys me. GOG is competition for Steam, they offer a genuine value via DRM free versions of the same games ALSO available on Steam. That leaves the choice in the buyers hands as to which platform offers a better value. It’s a big difference in my opinion.

  • Israel is making things difficult. The number of civilians killed is 10000+, that’s very uncomfortable for our governments. It’s also not like our countries can just quickly say, “whoa, those are blatant war crimes you’re committing with our weapons!” It’s impossible to pretend that we couldn’t know what the IDF would do with them based on the ongoing history of the conflict. In the end it’s a situation similar to Yemen, Iran and some others feed support into one side and atrocities are committed. The west feeds weapons into the other side and atrocities are committed. At this point the only thing that makes our ethical situation tenable is if everyone would just ignore it. Hence, no protesting please, you’re pointing out some deeply shameful policy, please stop.

  • This was totally out for me. It ran ok on my setup, but it was a shit game. It randomly generated traffic when you turned your back. AI for NPCs was often barely functional. Numerous build options seemed either broken or just untested. Itemization was boring and poorly balanced. Vehicles handled like crap in a game with a car collecting activity. The crime system was so undeveloped it felt like it was a joke from the Devs with police spawning in a bowl of rice to bust a cap.

    Anyways, I played about 20 hours and realized the game wasn’t finished or feature complete, and absolutely wasn’t what had been advertised. I refunded, but I’m watching feedback now and may buy again if the game is closer to it’s original sales pitch.

  • I always marvel at how Grim Dawn isn’t in the conversation. It’s easily top tier, has no microtransactions, is single player offline, but also supports co-op multiplayer. It features a full cosmetic system that is entirely in-game with no cash shop nonsense. There are so many skills and builds with an outstanding itemization system. Robust crafting system. Repeatable end game challenge content.

    Also, it is just recieving another huge free patch, and another full expansion has just been announced.

    It took me forever to actually try it, I thought it was going to be janky indie stuff etc. I’m closing on 3000 hours and still dropping back in with new build themes and ideas. I paid $35 for that 3000 hours in a Steam sale.

    But yea, Last Epoch is ok I guess.

    Edit: a word

    Edit 2: just to add since I saw a comment about multiplayer, there is a community run seasonal ladder League as well. Grim League, for those interested.