• 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Thank you for sharing! I talked to a friend about 3d printing on Tuesday, saw the cardboard cutter here Wednesday, and then ordered my first printer that afternoon. My Ankermake M5c arrives Tuesday. I’m super excited but i know nothing, so these ‘how I got started’ posts are very encouraging. I see people talk about Tinkercad. How is it? As someone who is completely new and not a tech person, is that the easiest place to start? Once i get the hang of printing patterns i find online, i want to make scary face parts for a pumpkin (think Mr. Potato Head) and spiral notebook covers with funny sayings. It doesn’t matter how bad the pumpkin face parts are - they’re just going on my porch for a couple of weeks and meant to look weird. I think the only hard part on the notebook covers will be getting the spiral holes correct and getting 20 made by Christmas for my coworkers. Sorry for rambling - I’m just excited and clueless and found your share encouraging. If i make a post asking people to share pics of their first items/ideas, would that be annoying?

  • I work with kids with significant disabilities who we keep in public school until they’re age 22. They do unskilled jobs and volunteer ‘work’ and safety is a big concern. If there are five students and one teacher at a table, a plastic device that automatically measures and has a hidden blade is going to be much better for them than scissors or box knives. Yes, we do need to teach children to safely use everyday items and for most kids that’s fine, but there are some for whom ‘just do it my way’ doesn’t work. Your life experience may not be the same as that of other people. Teach generally, but make space for the individual.

  • This is a map of the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) area in Texas. Yes, we know it looks like a penis. I live near the blue dots at the top right. My husband works near the red heart at the bottom left. That’s about 45 miles and takes an hour most days because both are near highways. Public transit says over 4 hours with three bus/train changes and has a 15 minute walk at each end. Not great when it’s 100F outside.

    In many other cities, if you drive 10 miles out of downtown, you can be in the countryside. We can drive 50 miles and be in suburban areas with traffic the entire time. Most people here have a grocery store within 3-4 miles. There are less groceries as you go closer to downtown or in older or cheaper/poorer areas. Convenience stores are closer, but they’re usually gas stations and are pretty expensive for food items. We have several decent restaurants within 5 or 10 miles, but it’s not unusual to drive 20+ miles to go to a favorite restaurant or store or to meet a friend who lives in a different area of town.