From Wikipedia
In April 1977 Panthers were key supporters of the 504 Sit-ins, the longest of which was the 25-day occupation of the San Francisco Federal Building by over 120 people with disabilities. Panthers provided daily home-cooked meals in support of the protest’s eventual success, which eventually led to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)thirteen years later.
They also were allied with groups of confederate rednecks with the understanding “we have incredibly different worldviews, but we’re both poor and it’s because of the rich folks in power”
The three-letter-agencies could not allow that kind of class consciousness so they assassinated Fred Hampton.
And we’re still poor because of the rich folks in power. The next step is obvious, TAX THE RICH!!!
Yeah… “”“tax”“” 😉
Tax applies to income. I don’t think that would solve the issue for billionaires with no income. We need to just take their excess money away, in addition to 100% taxes on their income above a certain level
Alright Mr/Ms IRS person, please do explain what does and doesn’t qualify as ‘income’…
Their wealth didn’t just appear out of nowhere.
Most rich people are rich because their parents were rich. You can do a death tax, but that doesn’t solve the problem because they’ll continue to unfairly hoard that wealth for the rest of their life
Indeed, most of the billionaires were born with a silver spoon up their ass. But their parents were only millionaires, there’s no way that their offspring accumulated billions without income.
3 billion dollars is three thousand million dollars. That’s enough to hoard for generations without being taxed.
Or that money could be taken and used to end homelessness and provide services to pull families out of intergenerational poverty caused by the crimes committed by billionaire families
They aren’t only using the value of their assets. Their assets grow there are dividends, there are payouts.
There’s income. They don’t have their money in checking account with no interest paid.
If your wealth increased, you have income.
Taxing the rich isn’t going to solve squat.
We’re not trying to solve squat though.
We hope to help resolve actual problems on the Earth…
We hope to help resolve actual problems on the Earth
Getting rid of the rich will solve quite a few problems - taxing them won’t.
You’re right. Eat the rich…
Almost like they were about inclusiveness
Fred was a big tent leftist for sure
This feeds my response to everyone who tried to pretend “All Lives Matter” or “Police shoot more white people than black people” was anything other than racist, bigoted obstructionism during 2020. There is no proposed police reform that I’m aware of which would only help black people. No matter the impetus, police reform would help everyone.
Same thing here. They didn’t help to effect social change that only helped black people, they helped to effect social change that helped us all.
And they did much more than that.
Sorry for the listicle but it’s a good one with decent detail.
And best of all, they got Republicans and the NRA to support gun control! (pick your jaw up - it was for all the wrong reasons, of course)
Edit: When I share this kind of information, the fact that some people are bothered enough to downvote it makes me even happier that I shared it.
If white racists cared about white lives, then the fact that police shoot white people too should mean double the reason to abolish the police for them. But white racists don’t care about white lives. They only care about black lives; ending them. “All Lives Matter” may be true, but it’s a lie from the people who say it.
Fun fact: these amazing people are the reason Democrats and many Republicans voted in favor of gun control laws in California. They were racists that feared armed minorities protesting for equity and nipped that in the bud.
Now it’s us Leftists holding our unarmed dicks in our hands while armed Christofascist Republicans are trying to take over the government, while we finger waggle at them and hope the racist cops are on our side since none of us have enough guns to counter their deterrence efforts.
Yep, Reagan signed the gun control laws as governor after Black Panthers visited the Sacramento capital with guns.
police reform would help everyone.
The only thing police “reform” has ever helped has been the police and the capitalists they protect.
Every peaceful rights movement has a less-than-peaceful counterpart that’s willing to go just a little bit farther for rights.
Yet the peaceful ones are the only ones who get credit. Why do you think that is?
Look up COINTEL PRO before you accuse the black panthers of being problematic
I hope you didn’t think I was accusing the Black Panthers of anything!
I read your comment as insinuating only peaceful movements are successful, but I now realise there is another meaning to it.
The Black Panthers were heroes. Armed minorities are harder to oppress, and they make ALL of us harder to oppress.
Karl Marx was a big advocate of worker rights too, not a fan of child labour or dangerous workplaces.
I raise this as the The Black Panthers were a Maoist organisation, and Maoism has a big focus on community improvement (they assume Capitalists aren’t about to help you, so you have to organise politically and collectively).