Do you have a game you play over and over, when nothing else fits your mood? That game that is infinitely re-playable, somewhat the same every time and somewhat new and interesting?
For me it’s the games in the Orcs Must Die series. But mostly OMD 3. I play the mode called Scramble, where you have to beat 5 rounds of orcs, and they get harder and harder as you progress. There are random things to make it harder (nerfs) and you can choose 1 thing per round to make it easier (buffs). I’ve probably played that something like 300 times now since I beat the main game + DLCs a long while ago. I go into a special mental state while playing, since I know it all so well, and just zone out for about an hour each time.
Patient gamers, what’s your “I will keep playing this game for the rest of my life” fallback?
Rogue-lites are basically made to be infinitely re-playable and if I find one I like then I keep going back to it. Enter the Gungeon is a game I’ve played for years. Then there was a while this spot was taken by Slay the Spire and Balatro in turn. Now I’m back to Enter the Gungeon.
Enter the Gungeon
I had to look it up but that looks cool! Thanks for the idea.
A warning before you jump in: it’s crazy difficult. It took me about 70 hours of gameplay to be able to finish a play through…but after that it became pretty repeatable once I had learnt how to do it. This is pretty standard, but the failed runs are all fun and the gameplay is excellent and hilarious. I can give some generic starter tips if you want, things I wished I knew before having to learn the hard way (equally learning the hard way is the way rogue-lites are intended to work, so up to you).
The enemies are bullets that are holding guns and shooting bullets at you. You can unlock a gun that looks like a bullet, that shoots bullets that look like guns, that shoot their own bullets. Everything in the game is a pun.
Fucking love Enter the Gungeon. My favorite rougelike/roguelite
Slay the spire. Quick 30-45 minute run is just enough to kill time.
this is a smartass answer but if no video game is catching your attention, don’t play a video game. do anything else. pick up a new hobby or revisit an old one.
Yup. I like reading and working on coding projects.
That said, sometimes I get a hankering to play a game, but none of the dozens I have installed look interesting, so I’ll go play one of my favorites (EU4, C:S, Mount & Blade, etc).
This is what I also do. I have plenty of old favourites, but if I’m really not in the mood, I don’t try to push it.
I got a laugh from my Steam recap because I couldn’t find anything to play this summer so I got really into ice cream making. Then Satisfactory came out.
Factorio, Minecraft, Stardew Valley. Also solitaire on my phone (PySolFC).
Ooc do you play pysolfc on mobile?
Hmm? Not quite sure what you’re asking, but it’s freely available here:
PySolFC (PySolFC is a collection of solitaire card games)
Burnout 3
I was going to say, mine is Burnout Revenge. I think last I looked though only Burnout Paradise was available on Steam for me.
Burnout Legends for me!
Classic! I should re-buy this on steam so I can play it again.
I don’t think it is available on Steam. I have to play it through PS2 emulator.
For me, that would be Flatout 2 - more debris and stuff flying around but same great racing in some ways.
Aww, bummer. I’m sure I could get a PS2 emulator up and running, but I don’t think it would be worth it just for Burnout 3
I just keep coming back.
I picked up Stranded: Alien Dawn on Humble Bundle a few months back and it scratches the same itch. I know I’m going back to Rimworld soon, but S:AD has prettier graphics and similar gameplay. You can also build multi-story buildings. It’s been a good change of pace for me.
Crawl: Stone Soup. Classic rogue like. You can play it in the browser so it’s very fast to get going. Minotaur Berserker is a nice semi brainless flow.
I’m partial to Gargoyle Fighter, slam maces into everything
Yeah Gargoyles! My first ascension was Gargoyle Earth Elementist, but I think EE has been nerfed since that ascension.
I never really clicked with EE, when I felt like magic I was usually doing something like Deep elf conjurer, or sometime High Elve (rip them) and go for a sword and sorcery style I really enjoyed
Gargoyle Fighter Gang! My first and only escape (3 rune) was a gargoyle fighter dedicated to The Shining One. I relied completely on shield for defense and apparently that was weird as I got a lot of shocked comments on my lack of evade
It’s been a minute since I was last plugged into the dcss community, but that seems very standard for me. My best run was also a TSO fighter gargoyle, but something like 8 or 9 runes which was neat. Golden dragon armour, kite shield, and the awesome blessed whip courtesy of TSO is my end game objective
Clearly, a person of culture
Crypt of the Necrodancer.
Really fun roguelike game where you and enemies have to move to the beat of that floor’s song. I think part of the reason I still play it a lot is that it’s amenable to very short sessions. I’ve played enough that runs go fast and I either clear or die within 10 minutes.
Over 1200 hours now almost a decade after release, and a huge chunk of that is probably sessions of under 30 mins in length.
And the soundtrack is great too
For years that game was Warframe for me. Just turn of my brain and run missions I know inside and out while watching twitch from the corner of eye on a second monitor. At some point I wanted to have more time to play other games so I stopped and didn’t find a new cozy game
This is mine- I always wind up coming back to it.
StarCraft. The original. My brain and body is hardwired to play that game. “SCV ready” triggers something. I have a fantasy of retiring in an old folks home and me and a few of my fellow geriatrics fire that shit up and play LAN games until the DNR kicks in.
“SCV good to go, sir.”
“Oh, it’s you”
The atmosphere in that game is very unique and extremely well done. No shade to SC2, it just didn’t require capture the feel, the music, the dread the way SC1 does
I hope you mean broodwar and not just the original release
Your are correct. As far as I’m concerned, the original release was an early beta.
The Long Dark. Something about wandering an icy wasteland scavenging, hunting, fishing, works for me.
Thanks, wishlisted and might pick it up super cheap before January 2nd.
Skate 3
I’ll just load it up, find a new spot and make some clips.
Oh me too. I can just roll around for a long while, not even doing anything in particular.
Skate 3, the relaxation tool.
Dark Souls. If there’s nothing else I want to play, I’m always up for another run through Lordran with a build I’ve never tried before.
For me this is the most unhinged option. But then DS is like putting hot needles in my eyes to me.
The run up to the gargoyles in ds1 is very good and sometimes that’s what I do. After that the pacing has some hiccups, but that first part is A+
I’ll often go through O&S, and then lose steam during one of the Lord Souls afterward.