What we feel is natural, there’s no healthy way to be mentally stable in a dying world.
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
We have a culture that is strong enough to threaten the hyper-wealthy, so they’re exhblibiting a totalitarian scarcity mindset phenomena known as “Elite Panic”.
What we really need to do is construct a stronger culture that teaches them what needs to be done and why. Why it’s important they’re generous/humanist, why it’s important to help us set up communities of life and reciprocation.
We need to capture them culturally, train them, and strongly habituate them to returning their money to the world in a hyper beneficial way.
…and we need to do this using culture and boycotts alone. Which are after all, the tools the community has.
Whilst doing this, small mutual aid communities should be formed to gain resources and alternative means. The leadership groups should be well armed and organised.
They will be targeted as “terrorists” - so will need to know their legal rights, and become activists.
100 years ago we just killed them and redistributed their wealth, which is part of what fixed the Great Depression.
Same goes for almost 200 years ago where the rich tried to use their power to separate from the union, and again we killed a ton of them and redistributed their wealth as punishment.
This is a natrual cycle in the US at this point. Every centry the rich decide they want to own the country and make everyone slaves again, and it requires us killing them and redistributing their wealth to reset the cycle
100 years ago we just killed them and redistributed their wealth, which is part of what fixed the Great Depression.
Wha? I thought Congress passed estate taxes starting in 1916, the robber barons didn’t live as long as today, so they died of old age and disease more-or-less like regular people.
I never heard of many of them being killed.
I’d be interested to hear more about patterns of killing.
You’re really gonna have to source that. I’ve never heard of elites being killed and their wealth being redistributed during the great depression. There were plenty of suicides though. Basically everyone was affected back then. Including the rich. And many of them committed suicide after the stock market crash in 1929. Them being killed and their wealth redistributed really sounds like BS to me. We came out of the great depression through legislation. Not through violence.
Can this be used as a legal defense similar to gay panic?
Asking for a friend.
Based on the response to Mario’s brother who-shall-not-be-named I’m gonna go with: no.
What’s the advantage of being mentally unstable?
Being present in reality
Worst thing is it’s not the end of the world, it’s a continuation of a decline.
And here I’m just hoping for zombies. Not crazy enough to not happen and sorta feels in line with the current rate of decline.
Honestly it might be for the best though it’s time for a global Extinction event which brings the next thing of Life on board. It’s clear humans aren’t smart enough to handle it.
What was that about thinking about a tree? 🤔
Imagine getting a blowjob from this tree…think of the splinters…
Hmmm, I don’t think I will.
Me at the therapist the other day: I need to find friends that support each other like the Citizens’ Commission to Investigate the FBI did.
Hmm, so this is what being radicalised online is like.
everyone I know online has become radicalised
Ah the therapist where it’s more like you are paying to have a friend you can have meaningful conversations about life with while they mostly try to gaslight you to be happy. The majority of them.