Well, not the DOGE part. But yeah, I think that a dem sweep in the midterms is possible. And that a Democrat could win, assuming there is an election. The people who staff the polling places are community members, and you can still run for local office if you want to, and try to make your way up.
Well, not the DOGE part. But yeah, I think that a dem sweep in the midterms is possible. And that a Democrat could win, assuming there is an election. The people who staff the polling places are community members, and you can still run for local office if you want to, and try to make your way up.
Oh, so you just think Dems will get into power, play neo-libs for 4 years and hand back the torch?
Right, mmmhm…
Yeah. I am old so have watched this game a long time.
And you’ve seen a foreign born oligarch tear apart the federal government by his own grubby hands?